approaches - learning approach - behaviourism


A level Psychology (Approaches to Psychology - yr 13) Flashcards on approaches - learning approach - behaviourism, created by Sophie Greenslade on 04/12/2018.
Sophie Greenslade
Flashcards by Sophie Greenslade, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Greenslade
Created by Sophie Greenslade about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is the behaviourist approach? Concerned with observable and measurable behaviour.
What type of study did behaviouists use? Controlled lab
Explain Pavlov's research Classical conditioning - conditioning dogs to salivate when a bell rings. Before conditioning : UCS - food UCR - salivation NS - bell during conditioning: NS+UCS = bell and food appear at same time after conditioning: CS - bell CR - salivation shows how a neutral stimulus can come to elicit a new learnt response through association.
Explain Skinner's research Operant conditioning. an active process whereby humans operate on their environment, shaped by consequences. Rats in cages (skinners boxes) when a rat activated a lever it was rewarded with food a desirable consequence led to repetition if pressing the lever meant an electric shock, they would not press the lever in order to avoid the pain.
positive reinforcement receiving an award when behaviour is performed
negative reinforcement when producing a behaviour that avoids something unpleasant
punishment an unpleasant consequence of behaviour
Strengths of behaviourism gave psychology scientific credibility. laws have real life application - principles of conditioning (eg prisons)
limitations of behaviourism portrays a mechanistic view - machine-like responders to the environment whereas other approaches like SLT and Cognitive place emphasis on mental events that occur during learning. a form of environmental determinism through experiences and ignores free will. animal ethics - cruel, may change their natural behaviour
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