
Flashcards on Untitled, created by davistheodora on 11/11/2014.
Flashcards by davistheodora, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by davistheodora almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Stimulant Drugs that speed up the central nervous system (CNS)
Drugs that slow down the central nervous system (CNS) Depressant
household products that are used to get a hallucinogenic affect inhalants
hallucinogen Drugs that alter mood, thoughts and sense perceptions. Cause an overload of sensory information and cause a distorted sense of reality.
Scientific name for Hemp. Acts as a stimulant, depressant an hallucinogen Cannabis
Cocaine White powder made from the Coca bush
prescription drugs that are sold illegally as speed or uppers Amphetamines
Spice in classified under what category of drug? Synthetic drugs
A chemical found in a certain type of mushroom eaten to get a hallucinogenic effect Psylocybin
Commonly called Acid, can cause frightening episodes called "bad trips" LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
A psychoactive ingredient in a the peyote cactus Mescaline
Also called "angel dust" considered to be one of the most dangerous drugs. unpredictable and eliminates sensation of pain PCP (phencyclidine)
Hashish Dark brown resin at the top of the cannabis plant
The main psychoactive chemical found in cannabis THC
3 club/designer drugs used for date rape Rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine
Synthetic drug meant to imitate the khat plant and can cause severe homicidal and violent behavior even after the drug wears off Bath Salts
mix of dried herbs and spices that have been sprayed with a synthetic chemical similar to THC Synthetic marijuana (spice)
medicines sold legally in stores without a doctors note OTC, over the counter
medicines that must have a doctors approval in order to get prescription drugs
a preparation containing weakened or dead pathogens that cause a particular disease given to prevent one from contracting the disease. vaccine
reactions to medicine other than what is intended side effect
synergistic effect 2 meds taken together that result in a greater effect than when taken separately.
pain relievers analgesics
tolerance the body becomes used to the effects of a medicine or drug and needs more to get the same effect
withdrawal symptoms that occur when a drug in no longer in the body when a person has an addiction to it.
Nicotine is classified as a: Stimulant
Cocaine is classified as a Stimulant
Meth is classified as a Stimulant
Amphetamines are classified as Stimulants
Caffeine is classified as a Stimulant
Alcohol is classified as a Depressant
Barbiturates are classified as Depressants
Tranquilizers are classified as Depressants
Opiates/Narcotics are classified as Depressants
Heroin is classified as what (give both) Opiates and Depressants
Codeine is classified as what (give both) Opiate and depressant
Rohypnol is classified as Club/designer drug
Ketamine is classified as Club/designer drug
GHB is classified as Club/designer drug
Ecstasy is classified as Club/Designer drug
LSD is classified as Hallucinogen
PCP is classified as Hallucinogen
mescaline is classified as Hallucinogen
Psilocybin is classified as Hallucinogen
Marijuana is classified as Cannabis
Hashish is classified as Cannabis
Gasoline is used abused as inhalant
Air Freshener is abused as Inhalant
Spice is classified as Synthetic drug
Bath salts are classified as Synthetic drugs
Flashback A similar recurrence of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug
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