Nazi Leaders in 1933


Key info about main Nazi leaders in 1933 - taken from P10 of OCR textbook
Tom Lea
Flashcards by Tom Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi party from 1921 Charismatic - great speaker Imprisoned for attempt to seize power in 1923 Wrote book - Mein Kampf. Set out his ideology.
Hermann Goring 2nd in Command in the Nazi Party. WWI war hero. Given job in the Cabinet in Jan 1933 (one of only 3 Nazis) In control of the Police in Prussia (biggest region in Germany. Formed the Gestapo in 1933 - Secret police
Joseph Goebbels Minister for propaganda Recognised the power of using radio, newspapers, cinema etc to spread Nazi ideas. Highly intelligent Very anti-Semitic.
Heinrich Himmler Led the SS or Protection Squad (nickname: Blackshirts). 200,000 members by end 1933. Had an 'elite guard' (approx 50,000) of fanatical Nazis. Involved in surveillance and terror of German people. Ran the concentration camps and later the death camps. Himmler was in charge of the Holocaust.
Ernst Rohm Leader of the SA or stormtroopers (nickname: Brownshirts) Hitler's private army. Used to intimidate voters (scare them into voting Nazi), break up opponents' political meetings & beat up communists
Rudolph Hess Deputy leader of Nazi party. 3rd in command after Hitler and Goring. WWI war hero. His job to ensure all new laws closely followed Nazi ideology. He fled flew to England to try and negotiate peace. Arrested and imprisoned in Tower of London
Wilhelm Frick An experienced politician One of the three Nazis in Cabinet in 1933 Minister for Interior Helped to form Nazi racial policies.
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