Life Processes


Primary School Natural Sciences and Technology Flashcards on Life Processes, created by JessicaE on 12/11/2014.
Flashcards by JessicaE, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JessicaE almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the life processes of living things (there are 7) 1. Reproducing 2. Feeding 3. Moving 4. Breathing 5. Excreting 6. Sensing 7. Growth
Explain : Reproducing Living things have to reproduce. Animals by having babies or laying eggs, plants by making seeds.
Explain: Feeding Living things need to eat. Animals eat plants or other animals. Plants get nutrients from the soil.
Explain: Moving Living things move. Animals and insects can run, jump, crawl, walk or fly. Plants move in the wind and spread their seeds through birds and other animals.
Explain: Breathing Living things need to take in air.
Explain: Excreting Living things get rid of waste products
Explain: Sensing They can see, hear, feel, smell or taste their environment
Explain: Growth Living things start small and grow bigger as they get older.
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