Psychology - Brain


Gcse Psychology Flashcards on Psychology - Brain, created by a d on 18/12/2018.
a d
Flashcards by a d, updated more than 1 year ago
a d
Created by a d about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Neuron? basic building block of nervous system
4 Parts? 1) Dendrites 2) Cell body 3) Axon 4) Nucleus
Axon wrapped in _____? Myelin - Fatty sheath
Cerebral Cortex Wrinkly outer area of brain
Parts of Brain 1) 4 Lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital 2) Fore-brain 3) Mid-brain 4) Hind-brain
4 Lobes + Function Frontal - Decision making Parietal - Perception Temporal - Sound Processing Occipital - Visual Info Processor
Another name for Occipital Lobe Visual Cortex
Basics the developing Brain needs Safety Positive Experiences
Can the brain recover after damage? Yes, due to its elasticity
Piaget Stages of development Sensory Motor Pre-operational Concrete Operational Formal
Problems with Piaget's study Controlled experiment Children grasped ideas earlier or later Inconsistent- can be accelerated
Age when our brain grow the most? At the age of 3
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