HIST 7A - Native American Groups Quiz


Native American Groups
Catherine Ross
Flashcards by Catherine Ross, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Ross
Created by Catherine Ross about 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Major Native American Culture Groups 1. Northern Woodlands 2. Southern Woodlands 3. Great Lakes 4. Prairie 5. Plains 6. Plateau 7. Great Basin 8. Southwest 9. California 10. Northwest Coast 11. Sub Arctic - Ahtabascan 12. Arctic
The Arctic •Nomadic hunting and fishing •Seals, polar bear, other small animals •Inuit (Eskimo)and Aleut
Subarctic •Nomadic –small family groups followed herds of caribou •Athabaskan–western•Algonquin –eastern •Taiga –cold forest •Toboggans, snowshoes, lightweight canoes •Later supplied fur pelts to European traders •Changed their way of life
Northwest Coast •Northern California up to southern Alaska •Rivers and coasts provided salmon, whales, seals, shellfish •Forests provided berries, fruits, wood for houses •Settled villages, hierarchy of leadership •Potlatch –elaborate giving-away ceremony •Totems –wood carving depicting clans
California •Small bands of hunter-gatherers •Processed acorns into flour •Fishing, hunting, some agriculture•Basket weaving •Some became missionized•Some killed of completely
Great Basin •Desert, hard life, nomadic •Hunted birds, snakes, lizards, small animals •Gathered roots, seeds, nuts•Later got horses, clashed with Plains tribes •Paiutes, Utes, Shoshone •Wikiup
Plateau •Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington •Lived along rivers, salmon and trout •Forests for berries and nuts, hunting •Later got horses •Nez Perce, Klamath, Yakima
Plains/ Prairie •The Indians of cowboy movies •Had been settled farmers and hunters •Got horses after contact, led to nomadic hunting lifestyle •Chased buffalo herds across the Great Plains •Clashes between tribes, clashes with European settlers •Lived in tipis, skin-covered conical tents •Feathered headdresses, war paint, elaborate bead work •Crow, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Comanche, Arapahoe
Southwest •Sedentary farmers, lived in adobe pueblos –grew corn, beans, squash •Hopi, Zuni, Yaqui •Later missionized and enslaved by Spanish colonials •Ceremonial kivas in center of elaborate apartment dwellings on mesas •Others nomadic hunters, lived in mud/bark hogans, raided other tribes •Apache, Navaho •Later forced to reservations where they raise sheep and make wool rugs
Great Lakes •Fishing, hunting, also grew corn•Strong government •Lived in long houses •Sided with British in American Revolution •Sided with the French in French and Indian war •The Five Nations of the Iroquois
Northeast •Lived along coasts for fish and shellfish •Forests for berries and hunting •Grew corn, beans, and squash •First to have sustained contact with Europeans •Many killed off by European diseases•Got involved in European conflicts
Southeast •Sustained contact with Europeans led to some assimilation •Grew corn, beans, squash, sunflowers, tobacco •Lived in small villages called hamlets •The Five Civilized Tribes•Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole •Federal Indian Removal Act –Cherokee Trail of Tears •Forced to march to Oklahoma, thousands died
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