29. Minds Wander 30% of the Time


Flashcards on 29. Minds Wander 30% of the Time, created by Xavier Jackson on 19/01/2019.
Xavier Jackson
Flashcards by Xavier Jackson, updated more than 1 year ago
Xavier Jackson
Created by Xavier Jackson almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What happens when you read a passage and you realize you're reading it over and over again? YOUR MIND IS WANDERING
What is Mind Wandering? Taking on one task and fading into thinking about something unrelated
Why is mind wandering a good thing It enhances our thought process of making us go from one task to another task.
Why is mind wandering a bad thing It makes you unaware that your mind wanders off, especially when you are in a moment that requires your attention.
Is this multitasking? No, it's not multitasking. You're just shifting from one focus to another.
Is it right for you to provide better feedback for people getting lost online? Yes.
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