Created by Wes Smalley
about 6 years ago
Question | Answer |
Annonaceae Custard apple family | Ancestral traits from Magnolia Deciduous or evergreen trees, shrubs, etc Large fleshy fruits w/ seeds (Asimina) |
Aquifoliaceae Holly family | Trees, shrubs w/ caffeine leaves s/t w/spines flowers dioecious, no nectaries, no style (Ilex) |
Betulaceae Birch family | Trees & shrubs Thin bark w/o furrows 2x serrate wind pollinated (Alnus, Betula, Corylus) |
Ericaceae Heath family | Small trees, shrubs, perennials on acidic soil Leathery, evergreen leaves Bell-urn shaped corolla, inverted anther Capsules/berries (Gaultheria, Rhododendron, Vaccinium) |
Asimina. Pawpaw | Small trees/shrubs Deciduous leaves, unpleasant odor Solitary, bisexual, insect pollinated Cyllindrical, fleshy seeded fruit tastes delicious |
Ilex. Holly | Trees/Shrubs Deciduous or Evergreen, sometimes w/spines Greenish white unisex flower, no style Multi-seeded drupe |
Alnus. Alder | Large shrubs/small trees, round crown Bark w/ horizontal lenticels Deciduous, 1-2x serrate Monecious catkins Leathery/woody, conelike |
Betula. Birch | Shrubs/Trees w/droopy branches Scaly, peeling bark w/ horizontal lenticels Deciduous, 2x serrate Monecious catkins 2-winged samara fruits |
Corylus. Hazelnut | Large, multi-stemmed shrub deciduous, 2x serrate pollen flowers in catkins, females in leaf axils Fruits a hard-shelled nut |
Gaultheria. Wintergreen & Teaberry | Shrubs, erect & procumbent Evergreen, aromatic leaves Waxy, bell-urn shaped flowers Globose capsules in fleshy calyx |
Rhododendron. Azaleas and Rhododendrons | Trees/Shrubs Evergreen/leathery (Rhododendrons), Thin/Papery (Azaleas) Large, bisexual insect pollinated flowers Upright capsule w/calyx |
Vaccinium. Blueberry and others | Trees/Shrubs/Vines, erect, spreading, or creeping Thin, leathery leaves Bisexual, urn shaped flowers Red or blackish blue berries |
What's a Perianth? | Petals and sepals, both the Calyx and corolla |
What is a Style (regarding carpels) | A neck connecting the stigma and ovary |
Botanically, what is a spine? | A pointed, modified leaf |
How do air pockets in a Samara relate to seed dispersal of Alnus (Alder)? | Air pockets make the seeds bouyant, allowing water to carry them away |
What nutrients are found in male catkins? | Protein and lipids |
What is the corolla? | Whorls of petals |
What is a calyx? | Whorl of sepals |
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