Data Wrangling - Python


Flashcards on Data Wrangling - Python, created by Eric Pereira on 10/02/2019.
Eric Pereira
Flashcards by Eric Pereira, updated more than 1 year ago
Eric Pereira
Created by Eric Pereira over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SIMD Single instruction Multiple Data - SIMD allows a processor to perform the same operation, on multiple data points, in a single processor cycle. Uses Vectorization to achieve this.
Functions & Methods Functions act as stand alone segments of code that usually take an input, perform some processing, and return some output. Len() can be used for lists & Strings. In contrast, methods are special functions that belong to a specific type of object. List.append() is a method but if you use it on string, you will get an error
Elipsis ... - three dots between data in Python
Special Vectorized Ops ----------------------------------- vector_a % vector_b vector_a ** vector_b vector_a // vector_b Note: Shape of arrays/lists has to be the same vector_a % vector_b - Modulus vector_a ** vector_b - Exponent vector_a // vector_b - Floor Division (divide vector_a by vector_b, rounding down to the nearest integer
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