2.3 SPECIALIZED CELLS sundus.m 8a


Flashcards on 2.3 SPECIALIZED CELLS sundus.m 8a, created by sundus mohamed <3 on 10/02/2019.
sundus  mohamed &lt;3
Flashcards by sundus mohamed <3, updated more than 1 year ago
sundus  mohamed &lt;3
Created by sundus mohamed <3 over 5 years ago

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Question Answer
2.3:Specialized cells Sundus Mohamed 8a
What are multicellular organisms? Animals and plants are made of millions and millions of cells.Multi means many. Humans,Insects, birds and fish are also multicellular organisms.
How many cells does our body have? The Human body contains about 50 trillion cells and more than 200 types of cells.
what are the muscle cells? In the muscular system, muscle tissue is categorized into three distinct types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Each type of muscle tissue in the human body has a unique structure and a specific role.
What are involuntary muscles ? Other muscles in your body that work without you thinking about it.These are the muscles involved in breathing and keeping food move through your gut. they are also called smooth muscles .
what are cardiac muscles ? Cardiac muscle is striated muscle in the walls of the heart. It is involuntary: a person cannot control it consciously.Cardiac muscle is one of three main types of muscle, the others being skeletal and smooth muscle.
What are nerve cells ? Nerve cells make up your brain.They also carry information from your brain to other parts of your body such as your muscles and from your muscles back to your brain.
~Nearly 7% of the body weight of a human is made up of blood. ~Platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells are present in blood. ~Blood consists of a yellow liquid which is known as blood plasma. ~Blood plasma is primarily made up of water.
What do red blood cells do? Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs around your body to the cells, where its used to release the energy you need.
Funny riddle on cells: Im red but im not a strawberry ,i have different types but im not an apple, i can be pumped but Im not a bicycle tire, I can be donated but Im not money , I contain cells but Im not a jail, Im in your body but Im not your heart. Answer : Blood!
what are fat cells ? There are two main types of fat, found in mammals: white fat,and brown fat.White fat serves three functions: as heat insulation, as mechanical cushioning and, most importantly as an energy source. Brown fat is important for thermogenesis in newborns.
What is the other word for a fat cell? Adipocyte.
Define the term Axon? Long Fibers that extend from nerve cells and carry messages over long distances.
Define the term Stomata ? Very tiny pores in leaves.
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