Chemistry - C2


Chemistry Additional (Triple) Science
Flashcards by HeidiCrosbie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by HeidiCrosbie almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Chemistry - C2 Proton: Relative mass- 1 Relative Charge- +1 (Positive) Neutron: Relative mass- 1 RelativeCharge- 0 (Neutral) Electron: Relative mass- Negligible Relative Charge- -1 (Negative)
Electronic configuration: How electrons arranged around nucleus of atom in shells. Electrons occupy lowest available shells, 1 shell 2 electrons all after can hold 8. Electronic configuration is written as a series of numbers. Examples of electronic configuration: Carbon: Atomic number = 6 EC - 2.4 Silicon: Atomic number = 14 EC - 2.8.4 Calcium: Atomic number = 20 EC -
Ionic compounds (Soluble in water): All carbonates of group 1 compounds e.g. K CO , Na CO . All nitrate compounds. most common chloride and sulfate compounds. All alkalis e.g. slaked lime. Ionic compounds (Insoluble in water): Silver and lead halides e.g. AgCl, PbCl . Sulfates of lead, barium and calcium e.g. BaSO . Most common carbonate compounds e.g. CaCO CuCo .Most common hydroxide compounds e.g. milk of magnesia.
If salt is formed by mixing 2 solutions is insoluble is insoluble it will form a solid precipitate. This is a precipitation reaction. Pure solid sat is formed when: Filtering, washing in filter paper & distilled water and drying in warm oven. Barium sulfate: Extremely insoluble. Medicine - Swallowed for x-rays, is opaque helps soft tissues become visible. Barium salts are toxic if ingested & absorbed. as are soluble, barium sulfate is non-toxic as it is insoluble and not absorbed by body.
Test for chloride ions: Dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution are added to the solution of the ionic compound. If it contains chloride ions then a white precipitate will be made. Test for compound ions: Compound ions ions that contain atoms more than one element. If when added to dilute acids reacts to form CO then is a carbonate CI. CO tested with limewater. When hydrochloric acid and barium chloride are added to sulfate ions a white precipitate forms.
Using flames to identify ions: When held in a bunsen flame, compounds of different metals produce different flames. Sodium - Yellow, Potassium - Lilac - Calcium - Brick red, Copper - Blue green flame. Covalent bond: Occurs between non-metal atoms. They share electrons in order to complete their outer shells. A covalent bond can occur between atoms of the same element or atoms of different elements. It results in formation of molecules.
Exothermic reactions: A reaction where thermal (heat) energy is transferred out to the surroundings. This causes a rise in temperature. Combustion is an example of a exothermic reaction. Endothermic reaction: A reaction where thermal energy is transferred in from the surroundings. This causes a fall in temperature.
Collision theory(temperature):Low- Particles are moving slowly, collide less often, fewer collisions, reaction is less likely. High-Particles moving more quickly, collide more often with greater energy, many more collisions, more likely reactions. Collision theory (surface area): Small - Fewer particles are exposed and available for collisions, results in fewer collisions per second and a slower reaction. Large - More particles exposed and available for collisions. Results in more collisions per second and a faster reaction.
Collision theory (concentration): Low - Particles spread out and collide less often, resulting in fewer successful collisions per second. High - Particles packed closely together and collide more often, resulting in more successful collisions per second. Catalysts: A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, without being used up in the process.
Catalytic converters in cars: Contains a honeycomb filter where each individual cell is coated with catalysing metals. The structure increases the surface area of the converter so increases rate of conversion. Carbon monoxide + oxygen Carbon dioxide Platinum catalyst 2CO(g) + 0 (g) 2CO (g) Platinum catalyst
Empirical formula: Percentage composition mass:
Theoretical yield: Calculated from the relative formula masses of the reactants and products. Actual yields: The actual mass of useful product obtained from the reaction in the experiment. Percentage yield = Actual yield X 100% Theoretical yield
Anion: A negatively charged particle formed when an atom or group of atoms lose or gain electrons. Cation: A positively charged particle formed when an atom or group of atoms lose electrons. Anode: The electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery. Cathode: The electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
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