

their differing interests
Sue Salih
Flashcards by Sue Salih, updated more than 1 year ago
Sue Salih
Created by Sue Salih almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are stakeholders? Stakeholders are groups of people who take an interest in the decision-making process of a business
Name 3 stakeholder groups within a business Customers Suppliers Employees Employers Shareholders The local community Pressure groups The Government Financiers
Name 4 of the main interests of customers The quality of the product or service The range and choice of products Customer service After sales service & guarantees Price of the product/service Methods of payment Availability of the product Reputation of the business
Name 3 interests of suppliers Is the business able to pay for the products purchased? Will the business pay within the specified time period? Will they become regular customers? Is there potential for the business to grow? Does the business trade ethically?
Name 3 interests of employees How much will I receive for doing the job? Are the working environment pleasant? What training is there available? What are the promotion prospects? Are there any additional benefits?
Name 3 interests of employers To maintain or increase profits Keep employees' pay stable How much they have to pay their suppliers Understanding the wants and needs of its employees
Name 3 interest of shareholders The dividend amount they might receive for investing in the business The profitability of the business Changes to the size of the business Buy shares at a low price
Name 3 interests of the local community Sponsorship for local events Employment opportunities Noise, pollution or congestion in local area Small businesses losing customers and closing down
Name 3 interests of pressure groups e.g. trade unions Trade unions will be interested in: better pay training health and safety shorter working hours involvement in decision-making
Name 2 interests of the Government Adherence to legislation (laws) Taxation on profits Taxation relating to employment
Name one interest of financiers The business' ability to repay loans How any finance is going to be used
Why is conflict between various stakeholder groups likely to occur? 1. The various stakeholder groups have different interests 2. The stakeholders are part of more than one stakeholder group
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