Treaty of Versailles


History flashcards on Treaty of Versailles
Drew Bott
Flashcards by Drew Bott, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by suhhyun98 about 9 years ago
Drew Bott
Copied by Drew Bott over 5 years ago

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Question Answer
Treaty of Versailles (Background information) - 32 Nations assembled in January 1919 at Versailles, Paris (France) - It was signed on 28th June 1919. -It was controlled by the 'Big Three': Georges Clemenceau (France), David Lloyd George (Great Britain) and Woodrow Wilson (USA). -It was to decide what to do with Germany and post war Europe.
Georges Clemenceau - France -As most of the war took place in France - 2nd time in 50 years. Farming land devastated (area size of Belgium 500,000 homes destroyed, 4,000 villages wasted, 20,000 + factories ruined - blamed Germany for everything. -He wanted Alsace-Lorraine back -He wanted future French security and ‘justices / revenge (revanchist) Germany must be permanently weakened.
David Lloyd George - Great Britain -GB 1 million casualties - but no serious damage at home. They were heavily in debt - wanted compensation (reparations) - He wanted to weaken their power by taking away their navy and its colonies. - However, he did not want to punish Germany too harshly as he wanted to trade with Germany. Worried a weak Germany May turn to communism. ‘Just but fair peace’
Woodrow Wilson - USA - War not on US soil, limited casualties (117,000) Only Joined early 1917. -He wanted a safer world for democracy, 'lasting-peace' and self-determination. - Wanted the 14 points, especially a League of Nations.
Financial Terms -Reparations - Germany had to pay Reparations commission said £6.6 billion in 1921. - Saar coalmines to be exploited by France for 15 years
Military Terms - No General staff -No tanks, aircraft, submarine or conscription -only 6 battleships - 100,000 soldiers, no conscription -Rhineland had to be demilitarised
It was justifiable/fair -Lands went back to original owners (e.g Alsace-Lorraine) -Many wanted harsher punishments -Germany would have imposed a harsh treaty had they won. (Evidence - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk)
It was unjustifiable/unfair - army too small for such a big country (left vulnerable to attack) -The loss of their industries and lands affected them a lot economically - Lack of self-determination (a key principle)
General terms War Guilt Clause (231) Not permitted to join the league of Nations
Territorial terms Return of Alsace Lorraine to France Overseas colonies to be mandated by Britain and France West Prussia to be given to Poland for access to the sea
Financial Consequences Lost 10% of their land, 12.5% of their population, 16% of their coalfields and half of their steel and Iron industries. Reparations added to inflationary pressures - later blamed for hyper inflation of 1922-23
Problems / dilemmas What’s a life worth? Conflicting aims. Is self-determination really possible? ‘How to make peace in an atmosphere of simmering hate’?
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