Depression section 24 marker points


AO1-8marks AO2/3-16marks
Flashcards by christina.m, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by christina.m almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Depression AO1 Genetic Explanation - depression may be passed on via our gene, research into the influence of genetics on depression = carried out in the form of family, twin and adoption studies Bio-Chem Explanation - Depression =cause by imbalance of neurotransmitters which act like chemical messengers in nervous system. Active in the brain by controlling emotions Monoamine neurotransmitters ( serotonin, noradrenaline & dopamine = regulate hypothalamus- linked to nervous system and endocrine system- sleeping, appetite, sexuality and physical movement =key features linked with depression disorders
Depression AO2 : Permissive Amine Theory Katy et al (1975) = serotonin controls activity of noradrenaline =stops fluctuation. Serotonin levels drop=can't control fluctuation = abnormalities in emotion Noradrenaline Fall to low levels=depressed Serotonin levels fall and level of noradrenaline levels high patient =manic Low levels of serotonin+ noradrenaline = linked to unipolar depression
Depression AO3 Success of treatments Success of the treatment: Supports BC - success of many drug treatments e.g Prozac & other AD drugs= Selectively inc the availability of serotonin = confirms association between serotonin nd depression. Resperine a drug used to treat high BP = depression as a side effect-reduces noradrenaline. Shows serotonin+Noradrenaline = role in depression
Depression AO3 (2) Treatments do not work immediately Treatment doesn't work immediately- antidepressants e.g MAOI's increase levels of noradrenaline and serotonin within minutes brain imaging research shows no effect on mood for many weeks. Shows not just working simply by increasing levels of chemicals in the brain.research suggest depression arises from more complex interaction off neural chemical factors. An alternative comes from Kennett (1999)= suggested that drugs like Prozac cause structural changes within the brain= neurons more sensitive to serotonin and noradrenaline. This explains the time delay. More research needed for a precise link between Neurochemicals and depression.
Depression AO3 (3) Cause and effect Even after recovery still low levels of serotonin and noradrenaline. =questions cause and effect relationship of this model. might be that depression causes rather than biochemical changes causing depression.if change is the result of depression treating individuals to change neurotransmitters=Doesn't address underlying problem=Partially Explaining why it works in some.might be that no chemical levels fluctuate due to a Decrease in motor activity in a state of a Depression.more research is required in order to establish cause and effect and support neurochemical explanation
Depression AO3 (4) Reductionist Reductionism-The neurochemical explanation is simplified and scientific so it can be falsified and can be tested scientifically. However it's not too complete factor as it doesn't take into account other factors such as, The cause of depression may be social factors or cognitive factors or psychological factors. Assuming that depressionis caused by an ineffective neurotransmission doesn't take into consideration environmental factors that may have influenced the depression disorder.this oversimplifies complex psychological disorderirrational thinking must not be ignored for example Beck from the cognitive perspective Suggested depession may occur Due to negative thoughts about oneself the world and the future. Therefore an eclectic approach to depression may be better in explaining the cause of depression.
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