Journals v. Magazine sources


Learning the features of trade publications and scholarly sources in order to make information resource selections
Joe Mikolai
Flashcards by Joe Mikolai, updated more than 1 year ago
Joe Mikolai
Created by Joe Mikolai almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are two advantages of magazines? A. Secondary source B. Additional knowledge/backstory on a subject
Which of the following sources would not be considered a magazine? A. Civil War Times B. Smithsonian C. William & Mary Quarterly D. America in WWII C. William & Mary Quarterly (it is a scholarly journal)
Q. What are the major differences between scholarly sources and magazines? A. Scholarly sources have been through the peer review process Magazines contain advertising, unsigned, no set format, many different authors/editors and have not been through the peer review process
Q. What is meant by scholarly resource? A. A scholarly resource has went through the peer review process meaning experts in the field, who have likely published on the same topic, have reviewed this source and are cited accordingly.
True or False. Scholarly sources only come in print formats False. Scholarly sources can come in print and online journal formats.
In an online database, how would you limit your search results to scholarly sources? A. Select the peer review option as a limiter and then apply this option to a new search.
Q. Magazines are identifiable through what four common characteristics? A. Advertising B. articles written by editors C. May be unsigned D. No set format (i.e. abstract, methodology, literature review, results, conclusion, end notes etc)
True or False: History databases are the only places one can find history resources False. Search Everything and History lib guides are excellent history related resources
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