Computer science revision cards


A level Computing Flashcards on Computer science revision cards, created by Oliver Bairstow on 07/03/2019.
Oliver  Bairstow
Flashcards by Oliver Bairstow, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver  Bairstow
Created by Oliver Bairstow about 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the ALU and what does it do? The Arithmetic and Logic Unit is where arithmetic and logical operations are performed. The results are stored in the accumulator.
What is the CU and what does it do? The Control Unit controls how data moves around parts of the CPU and how it moves between the CPU and memory. Instructions are decoded in the CU.
What is the PC and what does it do? The Program Counter always contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. It gets incremented to point to the next instruction.
What is the ACC and what does it do? The Accumulator stores the results of calculations made by the ALU.
What is the MDR and what does it do? The Memory Data Register stores the data that has been fetched from or stored in memory.
What is the CIR and what does it do? The Current Instruction Register is where fetched instructions are copied to for execution.
What are address buses and what do they do? They send information about where data needs to go by sending an address to the memory. The address bus only sends data in one direction.
What are control buses and what do they do? Sends signals from the CU this goes both ways.
How is pipelining used in a processor to improve efficiency? Several instructions are partially executed at the same time.
What is RAM? Random access memory. Access to RAM is quicker than a storage device. Programs and data being run by a computer are temporarily stored here. RAM is volatile.
What is ROM? Read only memory. Can be read from but not written to. A common use is for storing the program to boot up the computer. ROM is non-volatile.
What is a primary key? It is a unique identifier for a table or record.
What is a foreign key? A primary key of one table might be linked to another table, where it appears as a foreign key.
What is a secondary key? An additional key which can be used to search for a record in a database. They don't have to be unique.
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1 comment

about 6 years ago
Very good revision material.


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