Genesis Chapter 4 - Verb roots in Hebrew


Ancient Hebrew Hebrew Bible (Genesis Chapter 4) Flashcards on Genesis Chapter 4 - Verb roots in Hebrew, created by Regina Hong on 07/03/2019.
Regina Hong
Flashcards by Regina Hong, updated more than 1 year ago
Regina Hong
Created by Regina Hong over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
אזן to give ear, to listen
בנה to build
בוא to come
הרג to slay
הרה to conceive
חרה to grow warm
חלל to profane, to begin
יסף to add
יטב to make well
ישב to dwell
יצא to go out
נשא to lift
נוד to wander
נפל to fall
סתר to hide
פצה to open
צעק to proclaim
קום to rise
רעה to pasture
רבץ to crouch
שום to put
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