Describe Elizabeth's attempts to expand overseas trade.


4 Mark exemplar answer question revision
Flashcards by Keera, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Keera almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What empires were dominant during the Elizabethan Age? The Spanish and Portuguese
What did the Elizabethans challenge in the Spanish main? They challenged the Spanish monopoly of trade
Who tried to establish a overseas colony in Roanoke, Virginia? Sir Walter Raleigh
Why did Sir Walter Raleigh try to establish an overseas colony? So that there could be trade between that area and Britain.
Who did the Elizabethans expand trade with? Russia and the East Indies
When and why was the East India Company set up? In 1600 to trade with India and the Far East
As well as establishing overseas colonies, what else did Elizabethans do to expand overseas trade? Explored many sea routes around the oceans such as the north-west passage.
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