Alexander III


A level History (Russia- Alexander III) Flashcards on Alexander III, created by Matty MIddleton on 02/04/2019.
Matty MIddleton
Flashcards by Matty MIddleton, updated more than 1 year ago
Matty MIddleton
Created by Matty MIddleton almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Alexander aim to achieve in his reign? He declared that his father’s reforms were wrong and had failed. He determined to undo the reforms. He thus gave a free hand to his minister Pobedonostsev.
Who was Alexander's tutor and was responsible for some of the severe policies that occurred under Alexander III's reign? Konstantin Pobedonostev He became his tutor in 1865. Caused the manifesto of unshakable autocracy.
What were the emergency measures act and what did they do? The emergency measures act, in 1881, was made to give immediate power to the Okhrana and Tsar to deal with the opposition in the Country. Examples of what was done: Prohibit gatherings of more than twelve people. Prosecute any individual for political crimes Introduce emergency police rule where public order was threatened Set up special courts outside the legal system. Close schools, universities and newspapers
What anti-semitism occurred over 1881-1884? A series of pogroms were carried. Around 16 major cities were affected, this was supported by a group called the holy league.
There was a act in 1882 that gave the okhrana more power. What was it called and what did it mean? Statute on police surveillance. This meant any area of the empire could be deemed an 'area of subversion' and police agents could search, arrest, detain, question, imprison or exile not only those who had committed a crime but any who were thought likely to commit a crime, or were related to, people who had committed crimes. Any such arrested person had no right to legal representation.
New regulations on press were made in the same year. Who were they created by and what did they do? The 'temporary regulations' were introduced by Tolstoy, and it allowed newspapers to be closed down and a life ban to be placed on editors and publishers. All literacy publications had to be officially approved. Libraries and reading rooms were restricted in the books they were allowed to stock. Censorship extended to theatre, art and culture where Russification was enforced.
What happened to Education in 1894? New university charter made appointments of chancellors, deans and professors subject to the approval of the Education Ministry based on ‘religious, moral and patriotic orientation’, rather than academic grounds. Delyanov also closed universities for women and abolished separate university courts. University life was closely supervised, with students forbidden from gathering in groups of more than five
A group of students made bombs intended for Alexander III in what year and who was the individual involved? 1887 They were arrested and two months later, five of these were hanged including Lenin's brother, Aleksandr Ulyanov.
What did Nikolai Bunge do in May 1885? The poll tax was abolished and the introduction of inheritance tax helped to shift the burden of taxation, a little, away from the lowest classes
When were Land Captains introduced and hat did they do? 1889 they were used to try to reassert political authority in the countryside. They held a variety of powers. Justices of the Peace were abolished and their function was transferred to the Land Captains.
What was the Zemstva Act? When was it made? The independence of the Zemstva was reduced. Control became more centralised and they were put under the minister of the Interior. The system to elect members of the zemstva was changed in favour of landowners and peasant representation was reduced. 1890
What happened in 1891-92? 'The Great Famine'
When did Alexander die? 1894
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