Henry VII Diplomacy/Foreign Policy


Flashcards on Henry VII Diplomacy/Foreign Policy, created by joanneee on 07/12/2014.
Flashcards by joanneee , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joanneee almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did Henry sign the commercial treaty with Brittany? 1486
When did the Duke of Francis die? September 9th 1488
When was the wardship of Anne of Brittany claimed and by who? 1488 by Charles VIII
What happened to James III of Scotland on the 11th of June? He was assassinated
What was the Treaty of Redon? Signed in February 1498 between Henry VII and representatives of Brittany This promised 6,000 troops at Anne's expense
What was the treaty signed in March 27th 1489 between England and Spain? The Treaty of Medina Del Campo which marked the acceptance of Henry VII's claim to the throne and the agreement of a marriage between Catherine of Aragon and Arthur
What was one of the main agreements Henry VII had insisted in every treaty? Foe the country to not support any pretenders
When did Henry sign a one year truce with France? 1485 which extended to 1489
When did Charles VIII of France marry Anne of Brittany and was happened because of this event? They married in 1491 and France had annexed Brittany
When did Henry raise an army and laid siege to France? October 1492
Why was is it cunning of Henry to raise an army in October? October was the month for bad weather so it was a way of ending the siege quickly
What was the treaty that Henry signed with Charles VIII in 1492? The Treaty of Etaples
From the treaty with Charles VIII in 1492 what were the outcomes for Henry? -received an annual pension of 50,000 crowns pa as part of Etaples -Charles agreed not to support any Yorkist rebels against Henry
Why did Margaret of Burgandy support the Yorkist pretenders? Maragret was the sister of the late Edward IV and so was primarily Yorkist and very anti- Tudor
What did Henry do to Burgandy in 1493? Henry placed an embargo on exporting wool to Burgandy
How were Anglo-Scottish relations improved? The marriage of Princess Margaret (Henry VII's sister) and James IV where negotiations began in 1493 but was not concluded until the capture of Warbeck in 1497.
What had Charles VIII done in 1493 that had shocked Europe? Charles VIII involved himself in the Italian Wars and had success in the events
What was the effect from Henry after Charles had been successful during the Italian Wars? Henry joined the Holy League of Venice against France
What was the Magnus Intercusus? Signed in 1496 giving favourable trading rights to England with Burgandy - ending the embargo
When did Joanna of Castile and Philip of Aragon marry? In 1496 cementing the Hapsburg alliance
How did Henry respond to the marriage of Joanna of Castile and Philip of Burgundy? Henry responded by lending money to Philip to further his ambitions in Castile
What treaty did Henry sign with Scotland in 1497? The Treaty of Ayton
What happened in France 1498? Charles VIII died and was replaced by Louis XII
How did Henry respond to Louis XII in 1498? Henry tried hard to cultivate relations with Louis XII in order to maintain the French Pension
When did Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon marry by proxy? 1499
Suggest why it took so long for the marriage between Arthur and Catherine to occur? Spain may have thought that England was not stable
When did Catherine and Arthur marry in person? 1501 cementing the alliance
What tragic event happened in 1502? Arthur died leaving Catherine widowed and Henry VII dynastically vulnerable as he only had one male heir, Henry
What was Henry VII response to Arthur's death? To cement a new marriage between Arthur's brother and the widow Catherine
What event happened to Henry in 1503? Queen Elizabeth of York died leaving Henry VII widowed
What happened on 26th November 1504? Isabella I of Castile died. Joanna of Castile was set to inherit Castile
How did Ferdinand II of Aragon respond? Ferdinand wanted Castile so he stopped Joanna's divine right to Castile and took it for himself
What treaty did Ferdinand of Aragon sign on the 22nd September 1505? Treaty of Blois with France which proposed the marriage between Charles of Luxemburg (future Emperor Charles V) and Claude, daughter of Louis XII- marriage was cancelled
How was the Treaty of Windsor signed? Joanna and Philip had landed unexpectantly in Weymouth in 1506 where they were cared for thus allowing the Treaty of Windsor to be signed forming an alliance between England and Spain
What did Henry have to do as part of the Treaty of Windsor 1506? Henry had to recognise Philip as King of Castile
What had Henry hoped the Treaty of Windsor would bring about? Henry hoped that if Philip became king due he would prove to be a useful ally Henry also hoped that since Philip was the son of Maximilian I, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire he could exploit the connection for himself
Why had Henry decided to side with Philip rather than Ferdinand? Philip was younger so would presumably live longer and has a connection with the Holy Roman Empire
What happened in September 1506? Philip of Burgundy died, leaving Joanna widowed and declared mad by her father Ferdinand and government
In 1508, who did Henry try and negotiate a marriage for? His youngest daughter Mary to the Archduke Charles of Burgandy who is the son of Philip and Joanna to secure the Burgundian alliance
What was the League of Cambrai? Formed in 1508 which focused on Venice which Henry was not involved in
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