Henry VI First Reign


A level History (War of the Roses- Henry VI) Flashcards on Henry VI First Reign, created by Matty MIddleton on 16/04/2019.
Matty MIddleton
Flashcards by Matty MIddleton, updated more than 1 year ago
Matty MIddleton
Created by Matty MIddleton almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did Henry VI come of age to take the throne at the age of 16? 1437 12th November
What treaty married Henry with Margaret of Anjou? When did this happen? Treaty of Tours 1444 22nd May
In 1449 (24th March) the English captured Fougeres in Brittany, what did it mean for England? It was where many soldiers of Somerset were starving, due to poor treatment leading to them pillaging the village heavily decreasing relations with Brittany. It gave Charles VII a Casus belli, and a chance to strike a crushing blow at the English before they could put Normandy into a proper state of defence or muster reinforcements from across the Channel.
When did the capital of Normandy surrender to the French? 1449 (29th October)
What happened in 1450 (2nd May)? William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, Henry’s chief minister, was accused and found guilty of treason. However, he was pardoned by the King and sent into exile, but he was murdered on his way to his ship.
What also happened near may in 1450? Cade's rebellion
What was it? Disgruntled Kentishmen rallied behind Jack Cade and marched to London in protest against the government of the country initially in the name of Richard Duke of York.
When did York arrive in London with an inconclusive meeting with the king? September 27th 1450
What title was given to Somerset in 1451 that annoyed Richard, after his complaints in London? Captain of Calais
What happened in 1453 that meant that a protectorate had to be made? How good was Richard at leading as protectorate? Henry VI suffered a mental breakdown Sorted out economic issues and managed to deal with issues on the throne, such as lawlessness.
When did Henry regain his mental capacity to lead as king? 1454 (December)
What battle began the start of the War of the Roses? When did it start? What happened/ First Battle of St Albans 1455 The forces of Richard Duke of York, supported by Richard Neville, Duke of Salisbury and Warwick defeated and killed the Lancastrians led by the Duke of Somerset and the Duke of Northumberland. Henry VI was captured and Somerset was killed.
The fact that Henry VI was captured with him having another bout of mental illness meant that.... Richard of York became protector again until Henry VI recovered.
When was Richard relieved of his second protectorate? 1456
Margaret of Anjou to some extent took charge over the rule of England, in what way was this the case? She moved the court to Coventry, to move Henry away from the angry merchants in London that were annoyed about the lack of trade and lawlessness in the country.
What was Love Day? When did it happen? Love Day was when Henry VI tried to settle the differences between Margaret of Anjou and the Duke of York, by getting them to do a procession holding hands to St. Paul's Cathedral. 25th March 1458
What was the next outbreak of fighting provoked by? Warwick, as Captain of Calais, led his ships in attacks on neutral Hanseatic League and Spanish ships in the Channel on flimsy grounds of sovereignty. York, Salisbury and Warwick were summoned to court and they refused. York then summoned the Nevilles to join him at his stronghold in Ludlow castle in the Welsh Marches.
What were the Battles that ensued? What happened? 1459 The Battle of Blore Heath, where Yorkists beat the Lancastrians due to their use of the high ground. The Yorkists were defending against an attack that was supported by the Percy family. The Battle of Ludford Bridge, where Richard of York, Warwick and the Nevilles mustered their supporters at Ludlow but when the main lancastrian army appeared their men deserted, Andrew Trollope. York fled to Ireland and Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick fled to France.
What was the Parliament of Devils? When did it happen? It was where there was a session at Parliament where prominent figures were condemned at this Parliament, such as Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, his sons Edward, Earl of March (the future King Edward IV) and Edmund, Earl of Rutland, as well as Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury and his son, Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick. 1459 November
What happened in 1460? Warwick and Edward landed at Sandwich at the head of an army and marched towards London. Battle of Northampton where Warwick and Edward defeated a Lancastrian force, capturing Henry Vi in the process.
What happened when Richard of York came out of Ireland and into London? He walked upto the throne and sat on it accepting people to allow it to happen. People didn't want him to lead so created the Act of Accord that meant that he was the successor to the throne over Henry VI's son, Edward.
What was the Battle where Richard of York died? When did it occur and what happened? Battle of Wakefield It happened on the 30th December 1460 and Richard of York went with an army to defeat Margaret of Anjou, however he was defeated and killed in the fighting.
What was the Battle of Mortimer's Cross? 1461 2nd February The earls of Pembroke and Wiltshire led an army of Welsh Lancastrains and French mercenaries to join Margaret of anjou's advance on London but they were intercepted by a Yorkist army led by Edward and defeated.
What was the Second battle of St Albans? Warwick attempted to block Margaret of Anjou's Southward advance to London but his defensive position was surprised. The yorkist fled, Henry Vi was recaptured but the Lancastrians failed to secure London due to the city shutting them off. So they returned north.
When did Edward take the throne? 4th March 1461
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