Christianity beliefs and teachings


GCSE Religious Studies Flashcards on Christianity beliefs and teachings, created by Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx on 28/04/2019.
Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx
Flashcards by Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx, updated more than 1 year ago
Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx
Created by Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define monotheistic Christians believe in one God
Define denominations A distinct group within Christianity, with its own organisation and traaditions
What are the denominations Catholics, Protestants and Othodox
Examples of God's qualities Omnipotent, benevolent, just and merciful
Explain God as omnipotent There is nothing that God cannot do or achieve. God is the supreme being who is all poweful and had unlimited authority "Nothing is impossible with God"
Explain God as benevolent God uses his power to do good and shows his love by creating humans and caring for them. God showed his love bt sending his Jesus down to help. This encourages Chrisitians to love each other
Explain God as just God will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression. Therefore, Christians should try and prevent these wrongs and prevent these from happeing God may allow evil to test their faith
Explain the problems of evil and suffering If God is loving, why doe she allow people to suffer and if he is powerful, he could use his power to stop evil and suffering but doesn't. Also, if God is just how does he allow injustice to take place
Define trinity The belief that there are three persons in the one God. This is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They are all separate but one being
Explain God the Father He is the first person in the Trinity and is referred to in the Lord's Prayer "Our Father in heaven" The creator of all life, acts as a good father towards his children, all pwoerful, loving, all knowing (omniscient) and present everywhere (omnipresent)
Explain God the Son The second person in the Trinity. Became incarnate through Jesus who was both fully human and God
Explain the Holy Spirit Once Jesus left the world, God sent down the Holy Spirit to influence, guide and sustain the Earth and all life in it. The Holy Spirit is the unseen work of God
Define creation The act by which God brought the universe into being
Genesis "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth" While not scientifically accurate, contains religious truth. God created the world in 6 days and God created everything out of choice and created everything 'good'. God continues to create life today
John "The word was with God, and the Word was God" Everything was created through the Word who was both with God and was God. The Word refers to Jesus and believes that he was involved in the creation
Define incarnation The act of being made flesh
"She was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit" Through the incarnation, God showed himself as a human being and is seen as a miracle. This is known as the virgin birth
"The word became flesh" This refers to Jesus and how God became incarnate in the flesh as a human
Define crucifixtion A roman method of execution by which animals were fixed to a cross
Luke "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" a
What is the significance of the crucifixtion Gives hope to Chrisitans that their sins will be forgiven if they sincerely repent God understands humans suffering because Jesus, who is God experienced it Chrisitians accept suffering as a part of life just as it was part of Jesus' life If they act justly and do what is right, God will reward them in the future Teaches them to live a good life because Jesus died and if we live a bad life, his death wouldv'e meant nothing
Define resurrection Jesus rising from the dead on Easter day
Define ascension 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus returned to God the Father in heaven
The events in the resurrection On Sunday moring, three days after his death, several women went to his tomb to anoint Jesus' body but was not there
What is the significance of the resurrection Show the power of good over evil and life over death Sins will be forgiven if they follow God's laws Christians will be resurrected if they accept Jesus, so there is no need to fear death Without the resurrection, there would be no Christian faith
What is the significance of the ascension Shows Jesus is with God in heaven Paves the way for God to send the Holy Spirit to provide comfort and guidance
Define Day of Judjement A time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by God and rewarded or punished
Apostles Creed "He ascened into heaven" "Judge the living and the dead" MEans that God exists and lives in heaven Everyone's lives will be judged on how they have lived life
What do Christains belief about the afterlife They will be resurrected and given eternal life. This is a gift from God and dependent on faith in God Will be judged by God and go to heaven or hell Judgement will happen very sson after death or on the Day of Judgement
What do Chrisitans believe about judgement God will judge them based on their behaviour and sins as well as their faith in Jesus The parable of the Sheep and the Goat describes how God will judge people The parable teaches that by serving others, they are serving God It is essential for Christians to have faith and follow Jesus' teachings to enter heaven "No one comes to the Father except through me"
Define heaven The state or place of eternal happiness and peace in the presence of God
Define hell The palce of eternal suffering or the state of being without God
Explain heaven Some Christians believe that heaven is for only Christians Chrisitans and others who have pleased God by living good lives Baptised Christians, regardless of how they have lived However, many Christians believe that heaven is a reward for good actions and faith
Explain purgatory An intermediate state where souls are cleansed in order to enter heaven. This is a Catholic belief
Explain hell Many people question weather a loving God would condemn people to eternal torment and pain in hell Christians therefore see hell as an eternal state of mind or being cut off from the possibilty of God
Define sin Any thought or action that separates humans from God
Define original sin The in-built tendency to do wrong and disobey God Everyone is born with the original sin due to Adam and Eve
Give examples of sins Murder, assault, adultery and stealing
Explain the idea of the original sin Comes from Adam and Eve's disobedience of God, when they ate the fruit of the tree which was forbidden. This was the first act of sin in the world and this separated the connection of God with humans and introduced death into the world
Define salvation To be saved from sin and its consequences, and to be granted eternal life with God
What are the two ways of salvation Through doing good work and through grace
Explain how we can acheive salvation through doing good work The Old Testament makes it clear that salvation comes through faith in God and obeying God's law "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead"
Explain how we can acheive salvation through grace Salvation is given freely by God through faith in Jesus. It is not deserved or earnerd but is a free gift of God's love "For it is by grace you have been saved"
The role of the Holy Spirit in salvation Christians believe that the Holy Spirit gives grace to Christians and continues to guide them in their daily lives to help them acheive salvation
What is the role of Jesus in salvation Jesus' crucifixtion made up for the original sin of Adam and Eve The death was neccessary to restore the relationship between God and believers His resurrection shows the goodness of Jesus defeated the evil of sin and was proof that God accepted his sacrifice on the behalf of mankind Resurrection meant that humans can now receive forgiveness of their sins Death and resurrection made it possible to gain eternal life
Define atonement Restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Explain atonement It removes the effects of sin Jesus atoned for the sins of humanity The sacrifice made it possible for all who foolow Jesus' teaachings to receive eternal life with God
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" This quote shows the Christian belief that death came into the world as a punishment for sin, but salvation is offered through the life and teaching of Jesus
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