Recipients of Zakat


Flashcards to test the knowledge of those who receive zakat.
Rainbow Donut
Flashcards by Rainbow Donut, updated more than 1 year ago
Rainbow Donut
Created by Rainbow Donut almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who are the al-ghaarimeen? Muslims in debt
Who are the ibnus-sabeel? Muslims who are unable to continue a journey because of insufficient money
Who are the faqeer? Muslims who have an income of less than half of their daily needs
Who are the mu-allaftu quloobuhum? Muslims who have recently reverted to Islam
Who are the 'aamil? Muslims who distribute zakat
Who are the miskeen? Muslims who have an income that is insufficient
Who are the fir-riqaab? Muslim slaves
How much are the faqeer and miskeen categories given zakat? They are given enough zakat to last for a year
How much zakat is given to the 'aamil category? The 'aamil is given what he deserves for his work but it is not more than half of what he collects.
How much zakat is given to the ibnus-sabeel category? He is given what he needs to travel
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