Cleft sentences


Cleft sentences
Andrea Lladro
Flashcards by Andrea Lladro, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Lladro
Created by Andrea Lladro almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cleft sentence = one sentence divided by two Two types: It + be+ emphasized word/phrase + that/ who clause 2. What clause + be+ emphasized word/phrase What = the (only) thing that
I was most unhappy with the service. What I was most unhappy with was the service
I can't stand the noise It is the noise that I can't stand
John didn’t pay for the wedding ring, Sarah did. It was Sarah who did pay for the wedding ring, John did not. It was John who didn't pay for the wedding ring
He’s always late. It really annoys me. What really annoys me is that/the fact that he is always late
DId you choose the furniture Was it you who chose the furniture
The waiter's attitude made things worse It was the waiter's attitude that made/did make things worse
I love autumn because of the colour of the leaves What I love autumn is the colour of the leaves
Her terrible accent annoyed me most What annoyed me most was her terrible accent
I bought it because it was a bargain It was because it was a bargain that I bought it
In the end, Martha went to the police What Martha did, in the end, was (to) go to the police
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