Created by Kimia mansouri
almost 6 years ago
Question | Answer |
Dread | Fearful expectation or anticipation |
Dank | Unpleasantly cool and humid |
Palpable | A feeling so intense that could be tangible |
Jagged | Having a sharply uneven surface or outline |
Dense | Hard to pass through because of thick growth |
Lacerate | Tear or make deep cuts (in flesh or skin) |
Bleak | 1. (Of an area or land) lacking vegetation and exposed to elements. 2. (Of a building or room) charmless, dreary 3. (Of the weather’s) cold and miserable. |
Palatial | Relating to or being a palace |
Chateau | A large French country house or castle |
Bluff | A high steep bank |
Menacing | Suggesting the presence of danger, threatening, foreshadowing evil, tragic developments |
Cultivated | No longer in the natural state, developed by human care and for human use, refined and well educated |
Aristocrat | A member of aristocracy |
Medieval | Relating or belonging to the Middle Ages |
Feudal | Of or relating to feudalism |
Refectory | A room used for communal meals in an educational or religious institution |
Modesty | Formality and propriety of manner, the quality or state of being unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities |
Ardent | Very enthusiastic or passionate |
Cavalry | Troops trained to fight on horseback, soldiers who fought on horseback |
Debacle | A sudden and violent collapse |
Imprudent | Not showing care for the consequences of an action, rash |
Analytical | Skilled in using analysis |
Doggedly | With obstinate determination |
Vitality | The state of being strong and active, energetic |
Extremity | The furthest point or limit of something |
Muffle | Wrap or cover up ( a source of the sound or noise) to reduce its loudness |
Mystify | Be a mystery or bewildering to |
Recede | Pull back or move away, retreat |
Surmount | 1. Overcome (a difficulty or obstacle) 2. Stand or be placed on top of |
Bewilderment | A feeling of being confused or perplexed |
Grisly | Shockingly repellent, inspiring horror, causing horror and or disgust |
Puritan | A member of a group of English Protestants who advocated fro the simplification and regulation of forms of worship |
Scruples | A feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of an action |
Barbarous | Primitive and uncivilized |
Elude | Escape, either physically or mentally |
Invariably | Without variation or change, in every case |
Braggart | A person who boasts about their achievements or possessions |
Grotesque | Distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous |
Stealthy | Behaving or done in a cautious manner, as not to be seen or heard |
Sallow | Unhealthy looking |
Solicitous | Full of anxiety and concern |
Ennui | The feeling of being bored by something tedious |
Thicket | A dense growth of bushes |
Venerable | Profoundly honoured |
Futile | Useless, producing no results or effect |
Intricate | Very complicated or detailed |
Zealous | Having or showing a great enthusiasm or energy |
Apprehensive | Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen |
Tapestry | A wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs |
Pungent | Strong and sharp |
Uncanny | Strange, or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way |
Precariously | In a way that is not securely in position and is likely to fall or collapse |
Protruding | Extending out above or beyond the surface or boundary |
Mocking | Abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule |
Placid | Not easily irritated, calm |
Cower | Show submission or fear |
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