Intro to Psychology ch. 4


Psychology Flashcards on Intro to Psychology ch. 4, created by Kira Manning on 06/06/2019.
Kira Manning
Flashcards by Kira Manning, updated more than 1 year ago
Kira Manning
Created by Kira Manning over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Changing the shape of the lens to focus on objects near or far is called ____. Focusing. Accommodation. Constriction. Dilation. Accommodation.
The monocular cue of ____ is being used when an artist places trees in front of riders to create a sense of depth when the picture is viewed. Interposition. Light and shadow. Linear perspective. Relative size. Interposition
Infant Esme is just waking up from her nap. As her mom enters the room, Esme turns her head in Mom's direction. Which of the following allowed Esme to know the direction Mom would be entering from? Echolocation. Sound Shadow. Auditory perceptual cues. Binaural cues. Binaural cues.
The name given to the sensory system that tells us about the position of our body in space is ____. Gustation. Proprioception. Somatosensory sense. The vestibular sense. Proprioception.
A disorder of the inner ear would be most likely to impact our ____. Equilibrium. Hearing. Sense of pain. Sense of smell. Equilibrium.
Cason is initially blinded as he walks out of a daytime movie. However, very rapidly his eyes begin to adjust to the bright light. What is the best explanation for his rapid recovery? Perceptual adjustments. Sensory deprivation. Oversensitivity of his rods and cones. Sensory adaptation. Sensory adaptation.
Attending to many modalities simultaneously is a phenomenon called ____. Bottom-up processing. Top-down processing. Parallel processing. Selective attention. Parallel processing.
The part of the ear we see is called the ____. Cochlea. Pinna. Tympanic membrane. Ossicle. Pinna.
Pete has played lead guitar in a rock band for years. He often would turn the volume on his guitar way up and spend a great deal of time in front of the speakers during the shows. His resulting hearing impairment over the past few years is most likely the result of ____. Conductive deafness. Damaged hair cells. Noise-induced hearing loss. Swimming. Noise-induced hearing loss.
The somatosensory system responds to sensory information about ____. Body position and equilibrium. Temperature, touch, and pain. Taste and smell. Sound and vision. Temperature, touch, and pain.
Which of the following sensory difficulties is likely to be the most dangerous? Blindness. Deafness. Loss of smell. Pain Insensitivity. Pain Insensitivity.
Roger feels something land on his hand but has yet to interpret that feeling in order to understand, recognize, or identify it. At this time, Roger has experienced which process(es)? Sensation. Numbness. Transduction. Parallel processing. Sensation.
Alicia is talking on her cell phone to her friend Maya. If Maya is in a crowded subway terminal, Alicia finds that she had to nearly shout for Maya to be able to hear her. However, when Maya is in a meadow on her grandparents' farm, she can easily tell what Alicia is watch on TV as they talk. This is one illustration of ____. Absolute threshold. The just noticeable difference. Signal-to-noise radio. Transduction. Signal-to-noise radio.
Sarah is a pianist who reports that she sees musical tones as colors. This is one example of ____. Binocular cues. The Ganzfield technique. The Ponzo illusion. Synesthesia. Synesthesia.
Amanda notices a tree is brown, has a rough texture, and is solid. Although individually these characteristic do not define a tree, when combines, the do. Which perceptual process allows her to identify the object as a tree? Selective attention. Top-down processing. Binding. Multi-tasking. Binding.
The white part of the eye is the ____. Pupil. Retina. Fovea. Sclera. Sclera.
Jan can see objects well up close, but they appear blurry from afar. She is probably ____. Color blind. Nearsighted. Farsighted. Developing a cataract. Nearsighted.
Quentin is suffering from a disorder that causes him to have problems recognizing everyday objects. The other day he was looking at a wine glass and couldn't come up with it's name. He said to his wife, "I want one of those things that you hold the wine in," but try as he did, he could not find the word glass. This demonstrates a form of visual ____. Ataxia. Apraxia. Aphasia. Agnosia. Agnosia.
Lanny has worked as a radio personality for the local professional baseball team for more than 20 years. Though he has gotten older, fans marvel at the fact that his "Silky sweet voice" has remained almost unchanged. This quality to Lanny's "Radio voice" is best described as its ____. Audition. Acuity. Timbre. Wavelength. Timbre.
Dominic had a hearing problem that is caused by a problem with the ossicles in his inner ear. Technically, he would be described as suffering from ____ deafness. Binaural. Nerve. Conductive. Noise-induced. Conductive.
Our sense of taste is called ____. Gustation. Olfactory. Proprioception. The vestibular sense. Gustation
We are able to distinguish pleasant from disgusting smells and tastes because of the contribution of the ____, the emotional center of the brain. Brainstem. Cerebellum. Limbic system. Thalamus. Limbic system.
Who is likely to experience the most pain when given a shot by the nurse? Stan, who has blond hair. Daisy, who has brown hair. Mike, who has red hair. Lizzie, who has black hair. Mike, who has red hair.
What psychological school first identified that visual perception occurs in terms of whole objects rather than individual component parts? Behaviorism. Gestalt. Humanistic. Psychoanalytic. Gestalt.
____ a neurological condition characterized by the inability to recognize the faces of familiar people. Conformity. Prosopagnosia. Cold Reading. Myocarditis. Prosopagnosia.
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