

1st year Clan1001
Flashcards by ASDFGHJKL; ASDFGHJKOL;', updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ASDFGHJKL; ASDFGHJKOL;' over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Mediterranean World • the eastern side of the Mediterranean • Close proximity to Asia and Egypt • Greek peninsula is thoroughly penetrated by the sea • Very open to outside influences • The country is very mountainous- independent and warring states
Mt Helicon • Muses lived here, approached 1 shepherd who wrote abt meeting the muses • Mountain-shaped greek history and its theology • Obv place to meet w deities and for divine epiphanies
GREECE - Geography influenced history but also stories and myth - Accessible by sea - Mountainous
PERIODS OF GREEK HISTORY - Indo-European origins - Greek speakers arrived abt 2000 BCE - 1600-1100 BCE Mycenaen Bronze age - 1100-800 Dark Age - 800-490 Archaic Age - 490-323 Classical age - 323-31 Hellenistic age
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