OCR Psychology A2 - Forensic studies


Key points of each study
Juantxo aka Dave
Flashcards by Juantxo aka Dave , updated more than 1 year ago
Juantxo aka Dave
Created by Juantxo aka Dave about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Farrington et. al - Disrupted families Upbringing Longitudinal 411 boys, aged 8-9, East London Aged 48, 365 interviewed Number of offences peaked at 17 161 had convictions 7% chronic offenders - half of offences Disrupted family, young mother, convicted parent
Sutherland - Learning from others Upbringing Criminal behaviour is learned Occurs within intimate personal groups Learned from definitions of legal codes Becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions to violation of law
Wikstrom - Poverty and disadvantages neighbourhoods Upbringing 100x more likely to have multiple problems 2000 year 10 students 44.8% M / 30.6% F committed 1+ crime in 2000 Social situation, lifestyles and routine Propensity-induced, Lifestyle-dependent Situationally-limited
Yochelson and Samenow- Criminal thinking patters Cognition Spanned 14 years, 255 male participants Half guilty but insane - sent to hospital Lack empathy, dissatisfied, poor decision-making 30 completed programme, 9 changed. Participants lied, thinking patterns ASPD 52 thinking patters, not unique to criminals
Kohlberg - Moral development and crime Cognition 58 boys from Chicago, aged 7-16 2-hour interview with 10 dilemmas. 3-yearly intervals up to 30-36 Pre-morality (Stage 1+2) Conventional morality (Stage 3+4) Post-conventional morality (Stage 5+6) No support for stage 6
Gudjonsson and Bownes - Attribution of blame Cognition 42-item GBAI (Blame attribution Inventory) 80 criminals in Northern Ireland 20-Violent, 40-Sex offenders, 20-Property Most guilt - Sex, Violent External - Violent, least for sex Strong consistency with English findings
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