The CPU and Memory.


Flashcards on the CPU and Memory including RAM, ROM, Virtual Memory ect.
Oliwia Siwiecka
Flashcards by Oliwia Siwiecka, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliwia Siwiecka
Created by Oliwia Siwiecka about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What occurs in FETCH? The CU fetches the data from main memory (RAM)
What occurs is DECODE? This is then decoded by the CU to carry out the instruction correctly. During this time the program counter is incremented to point to the next instruction.
What occurs in EXECUTE? This could be in form of loading more data from memory, performing logical or arithmetic operations on data or storing it elsewhere.
What does the CPU do? The CPU is the heart of a computer. It processes all of the data and instructions that make the system work.
What affects the performance of the CPU? The processing power of a CPU depends on different characteristics like its clock speed, number of cores and cache size.
What are the two main types of CPU architecture? Von Neumann and Harvard are the two main types of architecture.
What does CPU architecture describe? The main components of the CPU and how they interact with each other and with other parts of the computer system.
What are the 3 main parts of the CPU? The Control Unit (CU) The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) The Cache
Control Unit (CU)? Its main job is to execute program instructions by following the fetch-decode-execute cycle. It controls the flow of data inside the CPU (to registers, ALU, cache) and outside the CPU (to main memory and input/output devices).
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)? Completes simple addition and subtraction, compares the size of numbers and can do multiplications and divisions. It performs logic operations such as AND, OR and NOT and binary shifts --- computers process binary data. It contains an accumulator register
The Cache? The cache is very fast memory in the CPU. Its slower than the registers but faster than RAM. It stores regularly used data so that the CPU can access it quickly the next time its needed. The CPU checks the cache first to see if the data is there. If not it will fetch it from RAM.
What are the levels of Cache? L1- lowest capacity but fastest. L2 - medium capacity but slower. L3 - highest capacity but slowest.
Hardware? is the physical stuff that makes up your computer system for example CPU, motherboard, monitor, printer.
Software? is the programs or applications that a computer system runs for example a video game.
MAR? Holds the address of the current instruction being executed. The MAR knows the location of the data that needs to be accessed. Keeps track of where it is located. The MAR is different to the program counter (PC) because MAR is responsible for location.
MDR? MDR stores actual data that is processed at the time. It acts as a buffer and holds data that is copied from RAM ready for the Control Unit (CU) to process it. When the CU is ready for the data it gets it from MDR.
Clock Speed? (affects CPU performance) Cycles per second measured in hertz.
Cache Size? (affects CPU performance) Superfast working memory.
Number of cores? (affects CPU performance) The number of duplicate processors linked together on a single chip.
Cloud Storage? (Advantages) Can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. Doesn't take up local storage on the device. Generally saves automatically. Certain amounts of storage are free.
Cloud Storage? (Disadvantages) No internet connection, no access. Servers go down, no access. Prone to cyber security attacks. Who’s responsible if hacked?
Solid State Drive? It is solid, there are NO moving parts. Non-volatile flash memory. You can read and write to them very fast in comparison to optical and magnetic. They come in a variety of different sizes physically and capacity.
Solid State Drive Size? 100GB -16TB
Solid State Drive? (Advantages) Durable (no moving parts) Quiet Quick read and write speeds. Faster to start.
Solid State Drive? (Disadvantages) As of the moment they are expensive. As of the moment less storage capacity than a HDD.
What does it stand for? RAM Random Access Memory.
What does it stand for? ROM Read-Only Memory.
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