OCR AS Biology


Flashcards on OCR AS Biology, created by joshbrown3397 on 15/01/2015.
Flashcards by joshbrown3397, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joshbrown3397 about 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (25)

Resource summary

Question Answer
This organelle functions in cellular respiration mitochondrion
The organelle functions to package and deliver protiens Golgi Apperatus
Cell organelles are located within the (__________) of the cell Cytoplasm
The Endoplasmic reticulum functions to Transport materials
Genetic material is contained within the (___________) of the cell Nucleus
This organelle is responsible for destroying worn-out cell parts Lysosomes
The (__________) controls what enters and leaves the cell Cell Membrane
The rough endoplasmic reticulum has (__________) located on it Ribosomes
Located within the nucleus, it is responsible for producing ribosomes Nucleolus
Which structure is directly responsible for the formation of proteins within a cell? Ribosomes
What part of the cell is responsible for the breaking down and digesting of things Lysosomes
Identify the organelle pictured Mitochondria
What part of the cell serves as an intracellular highway? Endoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following would you NOT find in a bacterial cell? A)DNA B)Cell Membrane C)Golgi apperatus D)Ribosomes C)Golgi apperatus
Which of the following is found in plant cells but not animal cells? A)Cell wall B)Vacuole C)Mitochondria D)Endoplasmic reticulum A)Cell Wall
The jellylike interior of the cell is called the Cytoplasm
Identify the organelle Endoplasmic reticulum
What part of the cell makes protiens Ribosomes
Where are the ribosomes usually located in animal or plant cells? On the Endoplasmic reticulum
What part of the cell serves to process, package and export protiens? Golgi apperatus
What is cell signalling? A method of communication between cells
The function of a glycolipid is to act as a binding site
What do channel proteins allow? the movement of charged substances
What do phospholipids do? form a barrier to the movement of polar molecules
What does cholesterol do in the membrane? Stabilises the membrane structure
Glycoproteins are... a membrane bound receptor
How does a protein enter the cell Endocytosis
How does a sodium ion enter the cell? facilitated diffusion
How does water enter a cell? Osmosis
How does oxygen enter the cell? Diffusion
How does alcohol enter the cell? Diffusion
The molecule that a signal molecule binds to is _________ A receoptor
The membrane contains binding sites which are Glycoproteins
The signal molecule has a shape that is Specific
The shape of the binding site and the shape of the signal molecule are Complementary
Cell signalling occurs when signal molecules bind to molecules on the Cell Surface Membrane
An example of a cell signalling molecule is a hormone
Modern drugs often act by mimicking the action of Hormones
How does heating affect cell membranes? Increased diffusion due to more kinetic energy Membrane becomes more fluid Membrane begins to melt Proteins denature
What happens in anaphase? Sister chromotids move to opposite ends of the cell
What happens is metaphase? Chromosomes move to the equator of the cell
Prophase Chromosomes coil to become shorter and thicker
What happens in Telophase? Nuclear envelope reforms around chromatids (now called chromosomes)
The elastic fibres function is to Recoil and return the alveolus to its original shape
The function of blood is to Transport gasses
The function of cartilage during inhilation is to Hold the airways open
The function of a goblet cell is to secrete and release mucus
The function of smooth muscle is to constrict or narrow the airway
The function of squamous epithelium is to To provide a short diffusion pathway
The function of ciliated epithelium is to move the mucus up the throat
Single-celled organisms have a _______ surface area to volume ratio Large
In large animals the surface area to volume ratio is Small
Active organisms need a lot of oxygen
Do single-celled organisms need a 'pump'? No
Large organisms have a large surface area but a very large... volume
True or false: Ventilation helps to increase the concentration of oxygen in the aveoli True
True or false: A low concentration of oxygen in the blood facilitates diffusion True
True or false: Carbon dioxide leaves the blood by osmosis False
True or false: The alveoli have ciliated epithelium False
True or false: Elastic fibres contract to reduce the size of the alveoli False
True or false: Elastic fibres help to expel air from the alveoli True
True or false: During inhilation, the intercostal muscles contract True
True or false: The alveoli contain smooth muscle fibres False
True or false: The alveoli are stretched as more air enters the lungs True
True or false: A short diffusion pathway helps to create a steep concentration gradient True
True or false: A short diffusion pathway helps to maintain a steep concentration gradient False
True or false: Cartilage keeps the airways rigid False
True or false: Tidal volume must be measured at rest False
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