Basic Derivative Rules


Basic Derivative Rules
Brandon Anderson
Flashcards by Brandon Anderson, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bill Andersen
Created by Bill Andersen about 9 years ago
Brandon Anderson
Copied by Brandon Anderson about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Derivatives Derivatives
Basic Rules Basic Rules
Constant Rule \[f(x)=k\] \[f'(x)=0\]
Constant Multiple Rule \[f(x)=kx\] \[f'(x)=k\]
Power Rule \[f(x)= x^\mathrm{n}\] \[f'(x)= \mathrm{n}\cdot x^\mathrm{n-1}\]
Sum/Difference rule \[ y= f(x) + g(x) \] \[ y'= f'(x) + g'(x) \]
Product Rule \[y = f(x)g(x) \] \[y' = f(x)g'(x)+g(x)f'(x) \]
Quotient Rule \[y = \frac {f(x)} {g(x)} \] \[y' = \frac {g(x)f'(x)-f(x)g'(x)} {\left( g(x) \right) ^2} \]
Trig derivatives Trig derivatives
\[f(x)=\sin x\] \[f'(x)=\cos x\]
\[f(x)=\cos x\] \[f'(x)=-\sin x\]
\[f(x)=\tan x\] \[f'(x)=\sec^2 x\]
\[f(x)=\sec x\] \[f'(x)=\sec x \cdot \tan x\]
\[f(x)=\csc x\] \[f'(x)= - \csc x \cdot \cot x\]
\[f(x)=\cot x\] \[f'(x)= - \csc^2 x \]
\[f(x)=\tan^{-1} x\] \[f'(x)= \frac{1}{1+x^2} \]
\begin{equation*} \frac{d}{dx} \left[ \sin^{-1}x \right] = \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \end{equation*}
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