SLR 10 - Database


It be double digit time
Lyle Winfield
Flashcards by Lyle Winfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Lyle Winfield
Created by Lyle Winfield over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are Serial files? Permanent storage of data. Data is not stored in any order. Whole file needed to be read to be able to index. Useful for storing transactions and initialization files.
What is a Sequential file? Data is stored in the order. Order is maintained when new records are added. Indexed Sequential file. Allows the file to be indexed. Specific groups of data can be accessed.
What is a Database? Structured persisting collections of data. Makes process more efficient. Reduces storage requirements. Avoids redundancy. Allows different users to only see relevant data.
What are Records? Rows in a database Each record stores data for each file
What is a Field? Columns Define the different pieces of data which each record holds
What is a Flat file database? A single table which stores all the data in a database Data may be repeated in different records Hard to edit due to the vast amounts of data Redundant data
What is a Relational Database? Has multiple related tables Tables for different data which are interconnected Makes editing data easy as data is stored into specific tables No repeated data
Name the 4 different types of connection in a relational database One to many Many to one One to one Many to many
What type of keys are there used in a database Primary key Concatenated primary key Foreign key Secondary keys
What is Indexing? Allows specific records to be found by using Faster than searching sequentially
What is Paper Data Capture Form? A dedicated paper form with all the fields you want to fill out for a record Clearly labelled Filled out with a black pen so it can be clearly read Data written on the sheet is then read and inputted into the database
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