Created by Reni Apostolova
over 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
VERY RAINY вали из ведро | POUR It's been pouring for over an hour. to (cause to) flow quickly and in large amounts вали из ведро |
VERY EXPENSIVE безбожно скъп | EXORBITANT The prices are exorbitant in this store. безбожно скъп |
VERY GOOD изключителен, превъзходен | EXEPTIONAL, SUPERB The food in that restaurant is superb. изключителен превъзходен |
VERY HOT непоносима жега, зной | SWELTERING, BOILING The mornings are okay, but the afternoons are sweltering. непоносима жега, зной |
VERY SURPRISED шокиран | STUNNED I was stunned by the news. шокиран |
VERY BAD отвратителен, ужасен с много лошо качество | ATROCIOUS /əˈtrəʊ.ʃəs/ Even though his grammar is atrocious, we understand him. отвратителен, ужасен с много лошо качество |
VERY TERRIBLE ужасяващ, потресаващ | HORRENDOUS /həˈren.dəs/ He commited a horrendous crime. ужасяващ, потресаващ |
VERY PAINFUL мъчителен | EXCRUCIATING, /ɪkˈskruː.ʃi.eɪ.tɪŋ/ UNBEARABLE She had an excruciating headache. мъчителен |
VERY SMALL дребен | MINUSCULE /ˈmɪn.ə.skjuːl/ Your problems are minuscule compared to theirs. дребен |
VERY OLD древен | ANCIENT /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ That's an ancient building. древен |
VERY INTERESTING изключително интересен | FASCINATING He told some fascinating tales about his life in India. изключително интересен |
VERY OPEN (open and honest, without secrets) откровен, открит | TRANSPARENT /trænˈspær.ənt/ Thank you for being transparent WITH me. откровен, открит |
VERY POOR мизерстващ разорен | DESTITUTE /ˈdes.tɪ.tʃuːt/ without money, food, a home, or possessions The floods left thousands of people destitute. мизерстващ, бедстващ IMPOVERISHED /ɪmˈpɒv.ər.ɪʃt/ разорен |
VERY INTELLIGENT extremely intelligent or skilled | BRILLIANT Her mother was a brilliant scientist |
VERY CROWDED not having enough space претъпкан | CRAMPED /kræmpt/ He doesn't like to be in cramped elevators. претъпкан |
VERY ANGRY angry because of something that is wrong or not fair възмутен, изпълнен с негодувание | INDIGNANT /ɪnˈdɪɡ.nənt/ He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake. възмутен, изпълнен с негодувание |
VERY HONEST (of a person) honest and not likely to hide their opinions прям, откровен, открит, честен | STRAIGHTFORWARD /ˌstreɪtˈfɔː.wəd/ He is very honest, very straightforward, and there are no hidden sides to him. прям, откровен, открит, честен |
VERY RICH | WELL OFF Her family are quite well off. PROSPEROUS /ˈprɒs.pər.əs/ flourishing financially He was born in Moscow, the son of a prosperous tea merchant, and grew up in Odessa. |
VERY BIG extremely large in size or degree грамаден, огромен | IMMENSE They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition. грамаден, огромен |
HAPPY extremely happy and excited, often because something has happened or been achieved въодушевен, ликуващ | ELATED I was elated by the euphoria and the celebrations that followed our victory. въодушевен, ликуващ |
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