Conflict Theory


Flashcards on Conflict Theory, created by Marnie P. on 08/10/2019.
Marnie P.
Flashcards by Marnie P., updated more than 1 year ago
Marnie P.
Created by Marnie P. about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What factors are linked to social inequality? society is designed in ways to benefit a few at the expense of the majority. Factors such as sex, race, class and age are linked to social inequality.
What did Marx NOT understand? Marx didn’t understand how in an industrial, wealthy society why so many people were poor. He therefore started thinking about the struggle between different groups in society over scarce resources.
What does Conflict Theory focus on? Conflict theory concentrates on... - competition over limited resources between groups in society. - It maintains inequality within society as it views social and economic institutions as tools of the struggle between different groups or classes, - and gives dominance to the ruling class.
social theorists who have furthered on Marx’s conflict theory ? - Italian scholar and activist Antonio Gramsci explained that a lot more work had to be done to overcome cultural dominance and felt that the power of ideology was stronger than Marx had realised. - Max Weber
Describe ‘class consciousness’ Marx ultimately envisaged that the working class would rebel against their exploited condition.
Describe the power imbalance Marx wrote upon Marx identified that control, coercion and constraint were imposed by the high powered, dominant group, recognising those with high power status within society abused this power to influence how society operates, limiting the actions and behaviours of the less powerful groups.
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