Astrology - The Planets


The symbols and characteristics associated with each planet
Lynn Denissen
Flashcards by Lynn Denissen, updated more than 1 year ago
Lynn Denissen
Created by Lynn Denissen over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What characteristics does MERCURY represent? -How we communicate, write, speak -How we negotiate, engage in transactions -How we are curious, how we learn -Our sense of humor, jokes, satirize -Reasoning, logic and analysis -meditation -Anxiety and our nervous system
What is MERCURY's personality? Closest to the sun, Mercury is: -quick (quick-witted), -adaptable, -moves between thoughts and ideas quickly, -loves fast-paced intellectual exchanges -is a trickster
What is the personality of Venus? Between Mercury & Earth, Venus: -loves beauty (to be, to create) -pleasure, luxury -to be sensual -to give of self and to be needed -To find harmony in relationship with others
What characteristics does VENUS represent? -How we love, are attracted, sex -how we create and enjoy beauty, art, grace -How we harmonize through diplomacy, politeness -Our social gatherings -Our indulgences
What are the characteristics of MARS? -How we take action, show ambition, get fired up -Show strength, protect ourselves and others -Self-assertion, separate from others -impulsiveness, recklessness -aggression, force, struggle, violence, combativeness
What is the personality of MARS? Mars is a warrior, he: -shows strength -is physical (sexual drive) -takes action, is assertive -a desire to separate from the pack and stand alone -can be angry, violent, combative
What is the personality of JUPITER? Jupiter's orbit is measured, sores high: He is the king of kings he believes in justice, integrity, mercy to be grateful He is an advocate believes in law, partronage
What are the characteristics of JUPITER? -abundance, prosperity -exploration and adventure -gratitude, faith, luck (gambling) -need for expansion -Need to be part of something greater than self -truth-seeking, wisdom, advising (counselors)
What is the personality of SATURN? Saturn is: Old. Self-disciplined and constrained, He is responsible and follows through on commitments. Works hard, is structured, endures, he builds and is pragmatic, he sets boundaries. (Isolate, to depress, restrict, reject, betray)
What are the characteristics of SATURN? Focus on present Grounding Pragmatism, do what has to be done Discipline, concentration maturity, authority, status boundaries, delaying gratification facing fear, take responsibility Constriction, caution rejection, deprivation, loss, decay
What is the personality of URANUS? Uranus (Individualistic freedom) : liberate others and free himself. He is a revolutionary and rebellious. He is an eccentric, genius who awakens and innovates. May overthrow, shock and traumatize (Iconoclastic rebel)
What are the characteristics of URANUS? Breaking the rules, challenging authority, freedom, originality- break from tradition, independence, the unexpected, the spontaneous, the unusual or shocking, the invention, the innovation, inspiration or flashes of illumination, rebelliousness, instability, impulsive, deviant
What is the personality of NEPTUNE? Neptune (transcendent freedom, wholeness): Neptune frees himself from self to become part of the whole. Free from limitations of material world. Merger with the whole. -Sacrifice, surrender, submit, resign to, dream, imagine, dissolve, escape
What are the characteristics of NEPTUNE? -Dissolving boundaries -Altered states, dreams, fantasies, unseen imagination -Deception, illusion -Idealism, compassion -merging, sensitivity -Escapism, nebulous
What is the personality of PLUTO? Pluto is about: transformation and rebirth. He wants to let go of the old through pain, purge, renew, refine having power over, force, control He dominates, manipulates, obsesses To hide, shame, obscure
What are the characteristics of PLUTO? -Transformation -elimination, purification, purging -To assert ones own power -Dominate, coerce -obsession, fanaticism -repression, taboo, shame
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