English Poetry Key Words

GoConqr Review

Revision of keywords or main concepts of English poetry.
Flashcards by Oliviax, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Oliviax about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Adjective A word that describes something
Alliteration Where words that are close together start with the same letter. It's often used in poetry to give a nice pattern to a phrase.
Ambiguity Where a word or phrase has two or more possible meanings.
Assonance When words share the same vowel sound but consonants are different. E.g 'thUmb' and 'lUng'
Autobiographical Describing something that happened in a poet's life.
Ballad A form of poetry that tells a story and often sounds quite musical
Blank Verse Poetry written in iambic pentameter that doesn't rhyme but has a regular rhythm
Caesura A pause in a line
Colloquial Sounding like everyday spoken language
Consonance When words have the same consonant sound but different vowel sounds E.g 'HuRT' and 'HeaRT'
Consonants All the letters in the alphabet that aren't vowels
Contrast When two things are described in a way which emphasises how different they are. E.g a poet might contrast two different people or two different places.
Dialect A variation of language. People from different places might use different words or sentence constructions.
Emotive Something that makes you feel a particular emotion
Empathy When someone feels like the understand what someone else is experiencing and how they feel about it.
End-Stopping Finishing a line of poetry with the end of a phrase or sentence
Enjambment When a sentence runs over from one line or stanza to the next
First Person When someone writes about themselves, or a group which includes them., using words like 'I' and 'my'.
Form They type of poem and it's features
Free Verse Poetry that doesn't rhyme or have a regular rhythm
Iambic Pentameter Poetry with a metre or ten syllables - five of them stressed and five unstressed. The stressed falls on every second syllable
Iambic Tetrameter Like iambic pentameter but with a metre of eight syllables - four stressed and four unstressed.
Imagery Language that creates a picture in your mind. It includes metaphors and similes.
Internal Rhythm When a word in the middle of a line rhymes with the last word of the line.
Irony When words are used in a sarcastic or comic way to imply the opposite of what they normally mean. It can also mean when there is a big difference between what people expect and what actually happens.
Language The choice or words used. Different kinds of language have different effects
Layout The way a piece of poetry is visually presented to the reader E.g line length, whether the poem is broken into different stanza's, whether lines create some visual pattern.
Metaphor A way of describing something by saying that it is something else, to create a vivid image.
Metre The arrangement of syllables to create rhythm in a line of poetry
Monologue One person speaking for a long period of time
Mood The feel or atmosphere of a poem
Narrative Writing that tells a story
Narrator The voice speaking the words that you're reading
Oxymoron A phrase which appears to contradict itself because the words have meanings that don't seem to fit together
Persona A fictional character or identity adopted by a poet. Poets often create a persona so they can describe different things from a different person's point of view.
Personification A special kind of metaphor where you write about something as if it's a person with thoughts and feelings
Rhyme Scheme A pattern of rhyming words in a poem
Rhyming Couplet A pair of rhyming lines that are next to each other
Rhythm A pattern of sounds created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables,
Sibilance Repetition of the 's' and 'sh' sounds
Simile A way of describing something by comparing it to something else, usually by using words such as 'like' or 'as'
Sonnet A form of poetry with 14 lines, usually following a clear rhyme pattern. There are many types of sonnets. They're often about love.
Stanza A group of lines in a poem. Stanza's can also be called verses.
Structure The order and arrangement of ideas and events in a piece of writing
Syllable A single unit of sound within a word
Symbolism When object stands for something else. E.g a candle might represent hope, or a dying flower could represent the end of a relationship.
Theme An idea or topic that's important in a piece of writing
Tone The mood or feelings suggested by the way the narrator writes
Voice The personality narrating the poem. Poems are usually written either using a poet's voice, as if they're speaking to you directly, or the voice of a character.
Vowels A, E, I, O, U
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