Data Representation: Number


Flashcards on Data Representation: Number, created by Harbinn Kaur Mann on 18/10/2019.
Harbinn Kaur Mann
Flashcards by Harbinn Kaur Mann, updated more than 1 year ago
Harbinn Kaur Mann
Created by Harbinn Kaur Mann over 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Binary? Binary is the second base number system which consists of the values 1s and 0s. This is the language used by computers- processed in as a sequence of 1s and 0s.
Why do computers use binary? (recap from units) As computer circuits operate on electrical impulses, there are only two states in which the computer can be in. So, this is why binary is the most convenient and efficient system for computers to use as the 1s and 0s can represent an electrical switch- which is either on or off depending on whether an electrical impulse is present.
How can the following table be used to convert from binary to denary? The table above allows us to turn binary numbers into denary numbers as each column represents a single bit which is equivalent to a 'switch'. If there is an electrical impulse present then the box is filled with a 1, if not a 0. This table is quite useful as using it we can easily identify which values to count. Whichever numbers have a 1 under them are a part of our final answer and after that, we can go through each column and keep on adding our values. The total is our denary value.
Binary to Denary Use the table above. (Answer is the sum of whichever numbers that have a 1 under them)
Denary to Binary (eg. 84)
Binary Addition
What is a binary shift? A binary shift is when the digits in a binary number are either shifted to the right or the left by a certain amount.
What does shifting a binary number to the left do? Doubles it.
What does shifting a binary number to the right do? Halves it.
What causes an overflow error? Overflow errors happen when the largest number that a register can hold is exceeded. The excess number is lost.
What causes an underflow error? Underflow errors are
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