Parasitology Definitions


Vet Med VM607 (Parasitology) Flashcards on Parasitology Definitions , created by Katherine Havighorst on 21/10/2019.
Katherine Havighorst
Flashcards by Katherine Havighorst, updated more than 1 year ago
Katherine Havighorst
Created by Katherine Havighorst over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Simbiosis Living together
Commensalism One symbiont benefits, the other is unaffected
Mutualism Both symbionts benefit
Parasitism One symbiont benefits, the other is damaged
Obligate Cannot exist without the host
Facultative Can be free-living or parasitic
Spurios parasites False infection The organism/egg found on fecal examination that is from a source outside of the individual, and not related to an infection of the individual in question
Zoonotic parasites Typically infect animals but can infect humans
Definitive Host The host in which a parasite undergoes sexual reproduction and/or fertilization
Intermediate Host Harbors larval stage(s) of a parasite
Paratenic/Transfer Host -Substitute intermediate host -Ingests and harbors parasitic stage but is not infected -
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