Chemistry Definitions


A-Level Chemistry Flashcards on Chemistry Definitions, created by Charlotte Lyon-Tiger on 10/02/2015.
Charlotte Lyon-Tiger
Flashcards by Charlotte Lyon-Tiger, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Lyon-Tiger
Created by Charlotte Lyon-Tiger over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acid Species that is a Proton Donor
Activation Energy Minimum energy required to start a reaction by the breaking of bonds
Alicyclic Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined in a ring structure
Aliphatic Hydrcarbon Hydrocarbon with carbons joined in a straight or branched chain
Alkali A base that dissolves in water forming hydroxide ions
Atom Economy Molecular mass of desired product -------------------------------------------------- X 100 Sum of molecular masses of all products
Atomic orbital Region in atom which can hold up to two electrons with opposite spins
Average Bond Enthalpy The average enthalpy change that takes place when breaking by homolytic fission, one mole of a given type of bond in the molecules of a gaseous species
Carbanion Organic ion in which a carbon atom has a negative charge
Carbocation Organic ion in which a carbon atom has a positive charge
Concentration Amount of solute in mol, per 1dm3 (1000cm3) of solution: n=CxV(dm3) C=n/V(dm3)
Cracking Breaking down of long chain saturated hydrocarbons to form a mixture of shorter chained alkanes and alkenes
Delocalised Electrons Electrons shared between more than 2 atoms
E/Z isomerism Type of stereo-isomerism in which different groups attached to each carbon of a C=C bond may be arranged differently in space due to restricted rotation of the C=C bond
Electron Shielding Repulsion between electrons in different shells. Shielding reduces net attractive force from the nucleus on the outer shell electrons
Electrophilic Addition Addition reaction Electrophile attracted to electron-rich centre or atom Accepts a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond
Empirical Formula Simplest whole ratio of atoms of each element in a compound
Endothermic Reaction Enthalpy of products is greater than that of the reactants resulting in heat being taken in from the surroundings
Exothermic Reaction Enthalpy is greater in reactants than products resulting in heat being given out to surroundings
Standard Enthalpy Change of Combustion The enthalpy change that takes place when one mole of a substance combusts completely with oxygen under standard conditions.
Standard Enthalpy change of Formation Standard change of enthalpy when one mole of a compound is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states
Enthalpy cycle A diagram showing alternative routes between reactants and products
Esterification Reaction between an alcohol and c carboxylic acid to produce an ester and water
Functional group Part of a organic molecule responsible for its chemical reactions
Giant covalent lattice Three dimensional structure of atoms bonded together by strong covalent bonds
Giant ionic lattice Three dimensional structure of oppositely charged ions bonded together by ionic bonds
Hess' Law If a reaction can take place by more than one route and the initial and final conditions are the same, the total enthalpy change is the same for each route
Ion A positively or negatively charged atom or (covalently bonded) group of atoms (molecular ion)
Ionic bond Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
Le Chatelier's Principle When a system in dynamic equilibrium is subject to change, the position of the equilibrium shifts to minimise the change
Lone pair outer shell pair of electrons not involved in chemical bonding
Metallic Bond Electrostatic attraction between positive metal ions and delocalised electrons
Nomenclature system of naming compounds
Percentage Yield Actual amount, in mol of product --------------------------------- x 100 Theoretical amount, in mol of product
Radical Substitution Substitution reaction where a radical replaces a different atom or group of atoms
Stereoisomers Compounds with same structural formula but with a different arrangement of atoms in space
Volatility The ease with which a liquid turns into a gas
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