Machines and motion mechanical forces


intro to physics 7th grade
Kathryn Lewis
Flashcards by Kathryn Lewis, updated more than 1 year ago
Kathryn Lewis
Created by Kathryn Lewis over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
define "mechanics" the scientific study of motion
define "energy" the ability to perform work
What are some ways that objects move? In straight lines, in arcs, in circles, up and down. etc
What force greatly affects motion on earth? Gravity
List 3 ways mechanical energy is being moved around you. Door hinges, wheels, engines, scissors, automobiles, light switch
What is potential energy? Energy that is stored and ready to be used
What is kinetic energy? Energy that is being used
Give examples of something with potential energy Anything that is above ground level, such as a person at the top of a slide. Also, a something that is wound up, like a yoyo
Describe the transfer of energy between kinetic and potential energy that occurs during a roller coaster ride Kinetic energy is used to move the car to the top of the hill where it now has maximum potential energy. As the car moves down the hill this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. At the bottom of the hill all of the potential energy has been changed and the car has maximum kinetic energy. As the car moves up the net hill the kinetic energy is again converted into potential energy.
Explain how a wind-up clock uses potential and mechanical energy Kinetic energy from your hand is used to wind up or coil a spring inside the clock, thus giving it potential energy. The spring slowly unwinds, converting the potential energy into mechanical energy as the gears inside the clock move the hands of the clock
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be _____________ or _____________. It can only change form. Created, destroyed
The first law of thermodynamics states that in a closed system, energy can not be created or destroyed, only _______________ or _________________ Transformed or transferred
The law of conservation of mass states that _______ cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. matter
Who was the first scientist to show that heat is a form of energy that can be converted from mechanical energy. He used a brass paddle wheel stirring water in a copper vessel. James Joule
Because velocity is speed in a particular direction, __________________ is movement in a particular direction. momentum
What two quantities affect an object's momentum mass and velocity
The law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum of a system after a collision must be the same as the momentum ________________ the collision. before
Mechanical force is _________ or ___________ on an object push, pull
What is tension? A continuous pull on an object
What is tensile strength? The amount of _______________ that an object can withstand. tension
What is bouyancy? The force exerted by a gas or a liquid that is displaced.
Name the Law: Energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only change forms Conservation of energy
Name the Law: In a closed system, energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transformed or transferred law of thermodynamics
Name the law Changes of momentum in a closed system must be equal Conservation of Momentum
Name the law: Matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms Conservation of Mass
Name the force that resists movement Friction
Name the force that is exerted by liquids and gases equal to the mass of displaced fluid Buoyancy
What is tension? A continuous pull on an object
What is a force a push or pull
A change in position due to an applied force work
is lifting a weight above your head considered work Yes
Is holding a weight above your head work no
What is power rate at which work is done
a car has more ________ than my legs because it can do ___________ work in ____________ time power, more, less
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