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Engineering quick fire questions and key terms.
DefinitelyNot Spencer Bourne
Flashcards by DefinitelyNot Spencer Bourne, updated more than 1 year ago
DefinitelyNot Spencer Bourne
Created by DefinitelyNot Spencer Bourne over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the BSI? The British Standards Institution (BSI) is a service organisation that produces standards across a wide variety of industry sectors. The BSI assists organisations wishing to achieve the European CE mark certification.
What does ACCESS FM stand for? -Aesthetics -Customer -Cost -Environment -Size -Safety -Function -Material
What is the Design Cycle? The design cycle contains four phases of the making of a product. These four phases, in order are: Identify, Design, Optimize and then Validate.
What is an Iconic Design? Use an example. An iconic design is a design that is ‘ground breaking' and one that sets new standards in its field. It is a design that other designers and manufacturers follow, as it becomes a bench mark for other similar products. Furthermore, an iconic design is one that stands up to the test of time, remaining a great design, despite the passing of years, decades and even centuries. Examples of iconic designs include the Spitfire and the Sony Walkman.
Definition of the Life Cycle Assessment: A Life Cycle Assessment considers all the aspects of resource use and environmental releases associated with an industrial system from cradle to grave. It covers a range of activities, from the extraction of raw materials from the Earth and the production and distribution of energy, through the use, and reuse, and final disposal of a product.
What is a Design Brief? A design brief is a statement of how you are going to solve the design problem.
What are the 6 R's? The 6 R's are: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse, Rethink, Repair
Definition of Anthropometrics: The analysis of measurements of the human body in relation to the product.
Definition of Sustainability: To avoid depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
What does this symbol represent? Environmental Hazard
What is a Market Pull? You are pulling consumers towards you/your product – you are inspiring the need or want for this product.
What is a Market Push? Companies are pushing their new products onto the consumers. The consumers are led to believe it is a new idea and is better than previous models. This could be achieved by encouraging a trial purchase. Examples: iPhone 8 > iPhone X
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