Contextual Theory


Marriage and Family therapy Flashcards on Contextual Theory , created by Jasmine Gutierrez on 01/12/2019.
Jasmine  Gutierrez
Flashcards by Jasmine Gutierrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine  Gutierrez
Created by Jasmine Gutierrez about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Contextual Therapist Pay close attention to the social and political context of the family
Things that shape a person debt - Ethnicity - Poverty - Racism - Spiritual Values - etc...
Contextual Theory- Goals of Therapy - Take responsibility for their own behavior towards others - Help free themselves from invisible loyalties that damage the well being of the family - Overcome irrational guilt
Contextual theory- Healthy family - Relational balances and ethical consideration of each family member for others
Contextual theory- Healthy - Able to act on their indebtedness to their parents and to contribute to the well being of others * while attending to their own
Contextual theory- Disjunctive - Moves away from such relatedness
Contextual theory- Rejunctive - Moves towards trustworthy * moves family together
Contextual theory- Split- Filial Loyalty - Parents make the child choose sides
Contextual theory- Resolving state of injustice - Problem from one generation damages next generation
Contextual theory- Destructive entitlement " If I need attention and you're not giving it to me, then I'm having an affair"
Contextual theory- Debts or filial responsibility - Gets debts depending on how you treat people
Contextual theory- Filial loyalty - Children have an inherent filial to their roots
Contextual theory- Merit - You give the child what they are entitled to
Contextual theory- Equitable asymmetry - Parents give more than they get - Not fair but it is equitable
Contextual theory- Loyalty - Combination of internalized expectation, obligations to one's family of origin
Contextual theory- 4 essential dimensions 1. Transactions - Pattens of family organization, hierarchy, triangles, transactional sequences
Contextual theory- 4 Essential dimensions 2. Psychology - What happens within the person such as thoughts, fantasies, and emotions
Contextual theory- 4 essential dimensions 3. Facts - Attributes that people are born with and life expectations that shape our perceptions
Contextual theory- 4 essential dimensions 4. Relational Ethics - Responsible for teh effects of their behavior on others
Contextual theory- Relational Ethics -Fundamental dynamic force, holding families and communities together through reliability and trustworthiness
Contextual theory- Contextual - Refers to the total range of person why are potentially affects by the therapeutic effort
Contextual theory- Reliability - How dependable they are
Contextual theory- Trustworthiness - They are aligned with you - Level of security
Contextual theory- Ethics Does not refer to morality or right and wrong but rather the uniquely human process of achieving and equitable balance
Contextual theory-Equitable - Everyone gets what they need (Fairness)
Contextual theory- Loyalty Form alliance with you - They should defend you - Commit to alliance
Contextual theory- Loyalty and trustworthiness - Provide the glue that holds the family together
Contextual theory - Generations - Bound together by loyalties even across time or geographic distance
Contextual theory- Trustworthy parenting - Contextual model stresses the importance of parents to provide trustworthy parenting
Contextual theory- Fairness - Demands that the most vulnerable people deserve the greatest consideration * Taken care of people that need to be taken care of
Contextual Theory- Legacy All humans, by virtue of being born to parents, have a legacy from the interactions with them
Contextual theory- Entitlement The relationship consists of what each is inherently and fairly due and what each occurs based on their behavior towards one another
Contextual theory- Ledger The relative balance of debts and entitlement is kept in the subconscious
Contextual theory- Self - fulfillment Goal of differentiation
Contextual theory- Contextual treatment - For each family member- action leading to a balance of self-validation and fair accountability
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