CMIS 351 Lesson 3: Productivity, Innovation, and Strategy


Lesson 3 Learning Objectives
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Flashcards by Adriana Vincelli-Joma, updated more than 1 year ago
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Created by Adriana Vincelli-Joma almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How IS impact productivity -increasing efficiency: *business processes can be accomplished more quickly or with fewer resources/facilities -increasing effectiveness: *company considers offering either new/improved goods or services that customers value
Relationship between business processes and value chains Business processes: network of activities, resources, facilities and info that interact to achieve some business function Value chain: network of value-creating activities (primary and support) -value chain is made up of at least one or more business processes
How organizations develop competitive strategies Organization examines structure of industry: 1. bargaining power of customers 2. threat of substitution 3. bargaining power of suppliers 4. threat of new entrants 5. rivalry among existing firms Porter's 4 Competitive Strategies: 1. cost leadership across industry 2. cost leadership focused on particular industry 3. differentiation across industry 4. differentiation focused on particular industry
Sustaining vs Disruptive technologies sustaining technologies: changes in technology that maintain rate of improvement in customer value disruptive technology: product that introduces very new package of attributes from accepted mainstream products
How IS provide competitive advantage Product implementation: -create new product/service -enhance product/service -differentiate products/services System Implementation -lock in customers/buyers (high switching costs -lock in suppliers (easy to connect/work with organization) -raise barriers to market entry (expensive for new competition to enter market) -establish alliances (establish standards and promote product awareness) -reduce costs (increased profitability)
How IS create sustainable advantages -integrate many activities: marketing, customer service, product design, and product delivery -successfully integrate many technology systems with people and procedures -take time for people to gain necessary experience and skill to use IT
IS planning process 1. industry structure 2. competitive strategy 3. value chain 3. business processes 4. IS
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