Year 9 Electricity


Key facts and equations needed for Year 9 Electricity
Kate Wainwright
Flashcards by Kate Wainwright, updated more than 1 year ago
Kate Wainwright
Created by Kate Wainwright about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is current? The rate of flow of charge
What is the unit for current? Amperes A
What equation links charge, current and time? Q=It or I=Q/t or t=Q/I
What is charge? A property of matter that can be positive or negative.
What is the unit of charge? Coulombs C
The flow of current in metals is due to which particles moving? electrons
What is voltage? (sometimes called potential difference) The energy transferred per unit charge or The energy transferred by one Coulomb of charge
What do LEDs do if a current flows through them? They light up
What does LED stand for? Light Emitting Diode
In a parallel circuit, how does current behave at junctions? It splits, but the total current flowing into the junction is always equal to the current flowing out.
In a series circuit, how does current behave? It is the same all the way round the circuit
What is voltage (or potential difference) measured in? Volts V
What is resistance? A measure of how difficult it is to get a current to flow through a component. or The Voltage required to push a current of one Ampere through a component.
What equation relates voltage, current and resistance? V = I R or I=V/R or R=V/I
What does a variable resistor do in a series circuit? Its resistance can be changed to make the current larger or smaller.
What does a variable resistor do to current in a parallel circuit? Its resistance can be changed to make the current in its branch larger or smaller. It does not affect the current in the other branches though.
What is an ohmic conductor? A material for which the current and voltage are directly proportional, as long as its physical conditions (temperature, pressure) do not change.
What are the is the circuit symbol for a voltmeter?
How do you connect a voltmeter in a circuit? In parallel with the component you want to measure the voltage of.
What is the circuit symbol for an Ammeter?
How do you connect an Ammeter? In series with the component you want to measure the current over.
What is the circuit symbol for a cell?
What is the circuit symbol for a battery?
What is the circuit symbol for a variable resistor?
What is the circuit symbol for a resistor?
What is the circuit symbol for a bulb or lamp?
What is the circuit symbol for a switch?
What will a graph of voltage against current look like for an Ohmic Conductor?
What is resistance measured in? Ohms
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