Spanish Revision


Words I need to revise for the Spanish test.
Anna Lambert
Flashcards by Anna Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna Lambert
Created by Anna Lambert almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
dumb bobo/a
clever inteligente
patient paciente
impatient impaciente
kind imable
unkind antipático/a
tidy ordenado/a
untidy desordenado/a
mature maduro/a
immature immaduro/a
flexible flexible
lazy perezoso/a
studious estudioso/a
friendly extrovertido/a
stubborn testarudo/a
shy timido/a
a little un poco
and y
but pero
however sin embargo
very muy
too demasiado
quite bastante
also también
beard barba
mustache bigote
glasses gafas
to be called llamarse
i am called me llamo
you are called tú llamas
he/she is called él/ella llama
we are called nosotros llamamos
you (pl.) are called vosotros llamaís
they are called ellos/ellas llaman
to have tener
i have tengo
you have tienes
he/she has tiene
we have tenemos
you (pl.) have teneís
they have tienen
to live vivir
i live vivo
you live vives
he/she lives vive
we live vivimos
you (pl.) live vivís
they live viven
to learn aprender
i learn aprendo
you learn aprendes
he/she learns aprende
we learn aprendemos
you (pl.) learn aprendéis
they learn aprenden
to speak hablar
i speak hablo
you speak hablas
he/she speaks habla
we speak hablamos
you (pl.) speak habláis
they speak hablan
to be ser
i am soy
you are eres
he/she is es
we are somos
you (pl.) are sois
they are son
English inglés/inglesa
Scottish escocés/escocesa
Irish irlandés/irlandesa
Welsh galés/galesa
French francés/francesa
Spanish español/a
Portuguese portugués/portuguesa
Italian italiano/a
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