

Staging & Guidelines
Kiranya Tipirneni
Flashcards by Kiranya Tipirneni, updated more than 1 year ago
Kiranya Tipirneni
Created by Kiranya Tipirneni almost 5 years ago

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Question Answer
Thyroid Cancer Risk Factors - hx of H&N XRT - hx of total body XRT (ie for BMT) - familial thyroid ca (MEN, familial papillary) - older age (>55 yrs) - contralateral nodules *consider total thyroidectomy if +RFs
FNA Guidelines 1. nodules > 2cm w/ v. low suspicion (<3% risk) 2. nodules > 1.5 cm if low suspicion (5-10%) 3. nodules > 1cm w/ suspicious (70-90%) or intermediate suspicion (10-20%) 4. PET-avid nodules >1 cm [30% risk malignant] (not diffuse uptake)
Suspicious US Findings (70-90% risk of malignancy) 1. solid nodule 2. hypoechogenicity 3. microcalcifications 4. irregular borders (microlobulated, infiltrative) 5. taller than wide 6. rim calcifications 7. evidence of ETE *TI-RADS scoring
Suspicious US Findings for Lymph Nodes 1. microcalcifications 2. cystic aspect 3. peripheral vascularity 4. hyperechogenicity 5. round (vs oval) shape 6. loss of fatty hilum FNA if suspicious LNs >8-10 mm in smallest dimension
Benign Pattern 0% risk - completely cystic nodules w/ well-defined walls
Very Low Suspicion Pattern <3% risk - spongiform nodules & nodules with interspersed cystic spaces
Low Suspicion Pattern 5-10% risk 1. isoechoic or hyperechoic nodule 2. partially cystic nodule 3. solid component 4. none of the following features: - microcalcifications (see other points below) - irregular margins - extrathyroidal extension - taller than wide
Intermediate Suspicion Pattern 10-20% risk 1. hypoechoic solid nodule with smooth margins 2. no malignant features
High Suspicion Pattern >70-90% risk 1. solid hypoechoic nodule (or solid hypoechoic component of a partially cystic nodule), with at least one of these features: - microcalcifications (see other points below) - irregular margins (infiltrative, microlobulated) - extrathyroidal extension - taller than wide - rim calcifications with an extrusive soft tissue component lymphadenopathy
Bethesda Classification FNA (Estimated Risk of Malig)
2017 Bethesda Classification
T Staging (Papillary, follicular, poorly ddx, Hurthle cell, anaplastic) MACIS calculator (PTC, prognostic)
T Staging (Medullary)
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Staging (AJCC 8th Ed., < 55 yrs)
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Staging (AJCC 8th Ed., >/= 55 yrs)
Anaplastic Carcinoma Staging Stage IVa: confined to thyroid Stage IVb: gross extrathyroidal extension or regional mets Stage IVc: distant mets
Surgical Mgmt Well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 1. T >4cm or w/ ETE (T4) or +nodal or metastatic thyroid +/- LN dissection 2. 1 cm< T <4 cm w/o ETE or nodal or lobectomy 3. if T <1 cm w/o ETE or nodal mets... lobectomy only (if no adverse RFs) 4. if multifocal (>5) microcarcinoma, consider total
Indications for RAI 1. primary tumors > 4cm 2. distant mets 3. gross extrathyroidal extension 4. age > 45 yrs 5. elevated post op thyroglobulin levels >5-10 ng/ml 6. bulky or >5 LNs on path 6. high risk features: vascular invasion (follicular only), poorly ddx subtypes, multifocal dis - cytomel & thyrogen may reduce hypothyroidism/TSH withdrawal prior to RAI
Lymph Node Dissection ? 1. consider elective level VI neck if T3 or T4 or if clinically involved involved lateral neck nodes (cN1b) [weak evidence] 2. no elective neck for T1/T2 unless +LNs 3. for lateral neck, ATA recommends level IIa-V, excl IIb
Workup for WDTC & Nodules
Surgical Mgmt & RAI Flowchart
Pre-op NPL for thyroidectomy? ATA recommends NPL pts w/: 1. preop voice abnormalities 2. hx of cervical/chest sx 3. extensive posterior ETE or nodal disease
Other Mgmt Pearls ATA Recommendations 1. recommend against routine preop TG levels 2. recommend post-op TG monitoring 3. calcitonin: for MTC (more specific in detecting residual or recurrent disease than CEA)
Genetic Testing for Thyroid Cancer 1. Afirma gene expression classifier- NPV 93% 2. ThyroSeq - NPV 95% 3. ThyGenX/ThyrMIR ("rule in") - 66% PPV
Indications for Parathyroidectomy 1. serum Ca > 1 mg/dL above ULN 2. CrCl decr by >30% 3. age <50 yrs 4. 24hr urinary Ca > 400 mg/dL 5. bone density >2.5 std devs by T-score 6. Pt requests sx
Mutations Assoc with Thyroid Carcinoma
Mutations Assoc with Thyroid Carcinoma (contd) papillary - RET (peds), BRAF (adults), RAS follicular - RAS, PPARG poorly ddx - RAS, BRAF, TP53 anaplastic - TP53, RAS, BRAF, PIK3CA medullary - RET
MACIS Score Metastasis Age at diagnosis Completeness of surgical rx Invasion of extrathyroidal structures Size of tumor
Metastatic Thyroid Disease - lymphatic mets: PTC >> FTC - distant mets: Hurthle cell > FTC (hematogenous) > PTC (lymphatic) - bone, liver, lung (MC), brain NB: children more commonly present w/ advanced disease & cervical & distant thyroid mets (esp to lungs)
Mets to Thyroid kidney breast lung skin (melanoma, SCCa)
Mgmt of MTC - if primary > 1 cm (> 0.5 cm for MEN2B), elective ipsilateral II-IV SND indicated - ATA recommends elective SND according to serum calcitonin levels > 20 pg/ml - ipsilateral SND > 200 pg/ml - bilateral SND
Mgmt of MTC cont'd 1. preop serum CEA (more predictive of survival), calcitonin (more sensitive for persistent/recurrent disease) 2. genetic eval; RET muts screened for pheo & HPTH 3. CT thorax/mediastinum, US 4. total thyroidectomy + bilat central ND + level VII NB: do not respond to radioiodine tx or TSH; no CTX & EBRT is controversial OS: familial MTC > MEN-2A > sporadic
MEN 1 1. parathyroid hyperplasia (95% by age 50) 2. pituitary adenoma 3. pancreatic tumors
MEN 2A 1. parathyroid adenomas (30%) 2. pheochromocytoma (70%) 3. MTC (100%) - ATA recommends total thyroidectomy prior to age 5 RET-associated
MEN 2B 1. MTC - ATA recommends total thyroidectomy + central neck dissection within 1st year of life (more aggressive than MEN2A) 2. pheochromocytoma 3. mucosal neuromas +Marfanoid habitus
Parathyroid Hormone - secr by parathyroid chief cells - half life: 3-5 mins - targets: (1) kidney, (2) skeletal system, (3) intestine (1) incr Ca resorption, decr Phos resorption, converts 25-OH D3 to 1,25-OH D3 (calcitriol) (2) indirectly stimulates OCs via OBs (3) incr Ca absorption via vit D
Superior Parathyroids - 4th branchial pouch - cricothyroid junction, 1 cm cranial to intersection of RLN + inf thyroid art. - deep (dorsal) to RLN - unlike thyroid nodules, paras can move freely as they are encapsulated w/in pseudocapsule
Inferior Parathyroids - 3rd branchial pouch w/ thymus - inf pole of thyroid & along thyrothymic ligament - superficial (ventral) to RLN - 28% found in thymus (thyrothymic ligament) or anterior superior mediastinal thymic gland - other locations: intrathyroidal (1-3%), carotid sheath, retroesophageal, submandibular region
Risk Factors for Aggressive WDTC - demographics: age <20 or >55; M>F; FHx; hx of XRT - variant: tall cell variant, diffuse sclerosing, Hurthle cell, follicular carcinoma - size >4cm - ETE - LVI - mets
ATA Guidelines for MTC after initial dx, obtain: 1. US neck 2. baseline CEA, calcitonin (if Ctn >500pg/ml, work up for mets with staging CT or MRI) 3. DNA testing for RET germline mutation (if +, evaluate for pheo & treat first)
ATA Guidelines for treatment MTC total thyroidectomy with CND +/- SND II-IV (depending on US, serum CTn, intraop findings) in patients with clinically positive nodes of the ipsilateral neck, contralateral SND should be performed if CTn >200 pg/ml
ATA Guidelines for MTC in patients with MEN MEN2a - total thyroid by age 5 years MEN2b - total thyroid by 12 months
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