Vocabulary Words L 3


Flashcards on Vocabulary Words L 3, created by Gildasio Pereira Silva on 16/01/2020.
Gildasio Pereira Silva
Flashcards by Gildasio Pereira Silva, updated more than 1 year ago
Gildasio Pereira Silva
Created by Gildasio Pereira Silva about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bless The priest blessed the food and began to eat.
Decimal one decimal
Embrace Many companies embrace new technologies in their processes.
Fixed Mindset Mentalidade fixa
Growth Mindset Mentalidade de crescimento
Journal I write articles for many scientific journals.
Round Rund (number)
Stewardship The economy thrived under the new president's stewardship.
Thrived I can thrive if I work hard.
Temporal The study investigates temporal changes in ecosystems
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