11. Nine Percent of Men and One-Half Percent Of Women Are Color-Blind


Flashcards on 11. Nine Percent of Men and One-Half Percent Of Women Are Color-Blind, created by Jessica Burgos on 21/01/2020.
Jessica Burgos
Flashcards by Jessica Burgos, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Burgos
Created by Jessica Burgos over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Color-Blind Nine Percent of Men and One-Half Percent of Women are Color-Blind. Most People who are "Color-Blind" are not blind to every color, but only have color deficiency towards some colors.
Different Types of Color Blindness There are many different types of color-blindness but the most common one is difficulty distinguishing yellows, reds, and greens. This is "red-green" color-blindness Other types include difficulty distinguishing blues from yellows.
Colors to Use & Color to Avoid Colors that work for everyone include different shades of brown and yellow. Colors to avoid include red, blue, and green.
Tips for Designing with Color Have a redundant coding scheme such as color AND line thickness. This helps those that are color blind so they can still see your code without needing the colors. Check your images with www.vischeck.com or color filter.wickline.org to see how it will look to those that are color blind.
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