24. People reconstruct memories each time they remember them


Summary of Chapter 24 in COMMENTS.
Kathie Connelly
Flashcards by Kathie Connelly, updated more than 1 year ago
Kathie Connelly
Created by Kathie Connelly over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
People tend to think that memories do not change over time in their heads, but they are reconstructed every time we think of them. True or false? True.
When asking participants about if the car window was smashed or hit, what word made people remember seeing more broken glass than they actually did? Hit or smashed? Smashed.
You can also start to fill in memory gaps with made-up sequences of events that can seem to be real. True or false? True. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=wPvGadHulSE&feature=emb_logo
Who made the study showing a video clip of an automobile accident to participants and asked questions on the speed of the vehicle using selective words like hit or smashed? Elizabeth Loftus.
What could witnesses do to see a clearer and more accurate memory of an event? Close their eyes while trying to remember what they saw.
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