39.) Culture Affects How People Think


How the culture you grew up in may affect how you view certain situations.
Nicholas Graber
Flashcards by Nicholas Graber, updated more than 1 year ago
Nicholas Graber
Created by Nicholas Graber over 4 years ago

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Question Answer
Where do your eyes look at; The Wolf, or the Background? It might have more to do with where you grew up than personal preference.
In an experiment conducted by Hannah Chua et al, and Lu Zihui, it was found that participants from East Asian regions in the research seemed to focus more on the background. Meanwhile participants from Western regions payed more attention on the central focus in the foreground. They were able to gauge this by tracking the eye movement of each participant to see where they focused more. But what is the cause of the phenomenon? It seems that cultures on the easterners focus more on relationships and context, while westerners focus more on the individual thus focus more on a focal point. However this perspective is just a generalization. and doesn't represent the whole.
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